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Just found out loser girl was in management program

Ok...jimbob, joebob, dick head, dumb ass, whatever name you go by.......you have been found out.,., in case you need to check with your attorney concerning the defamation of character comments that you are making here.....and other places....yes, it has been
verified....I believe he/she will instruct you to shut your f--king mouth.......

Whether she is qualified to manage is NOT your concern....unless of course, YOU think you are.....or were...since we are unemployed, asshole...!!!

I in fact instructed her to contact her own attorney, at the advice of my spouse....who is an attorney, in another state....so, as to fry your ass for this useless bullshit your bantering about.....

Get a life.....jimbob, joebob, asshole......idiot, may you rot in the unemployment line......

You thinking I am kidding....??? You f--ked with the wrong person, at a time when we all should be helping one another get out of this hellhole.......you are wasting your energy bashing, and defaming a teammate, you are a disgrace, and a miserable human being.

Karma is a bitch, so when you least expect it, you too, jimbob, joebob, asswipe, jerk....Will wonder where the shitty reference came from, or why your overlooked for the next job interview, or why no one calls you, or even Eisai doesn't want you.

Haha. Think about it, even Eisai doesn't want you. Maybe ND can explain the legalities of your mission to destroy a person's reputation while employed at Eisai.

You want to go on with this...??

What will she do now that JF is gone and there is not management program left to speak of. Her gig is up, as it should have been the day she was hired.

Hello to the poster whose spouse is an attorney.....

I think I know who this defaming asshole is as he has talked bad about the rep in question. I will be happy to testify against him............

Not very Japanese here at all. American male bosses are 100% more likely to require sex from underling female employees. Unless, of course, you are a Jap exec with a Jap asst. Now that's a whole different ball game. ;)

Well I think there are many male managers that enjoy/expect cream of some young guy!!!!