just dont get it

What Eisai is doing right now with all the paperwork, reports, conference calls, etc. reminds me of a case study we did during my business masters program (yes, I took a little poetic license but you'll get the point) :

Two companies enter a panic mode due to sudden cash flow or leadership problems, here are the two most common choices they make to "fix" the dilemma:

OPTION 1. Be candid and inform employees all the way to the bottom of the issues faced by the company and potential steps that may need to be taken. Involve everyone in the solution process, compliment and encourage them throughout the process. Those at the top MUST show subordinates that they will endure even greater pain and sacrifice, or no one will buy in to any solutions. Result: money saved by trimming ALL areas for net affect. Employees stay loyal and those displaced are open to returning if/when needed saving training costs.

OPTION 2. Pull out all the stops on every employee by auditing every possible aspect of their daily work life. Question everything as if any mistake made was intentional and fraud was their motive. Force rank you team and pit them against each other when possible. Use all tactics to thin force by attrition and/or back fill with younger, less expensive employees that you can turn and burn. Result: Money saved buy trimming 70% or more at the non-management level. Leaves key people that contributed to original problem in place for a repeat performance. Morale in the lower rank is greatly diminished or dead.

Hmmmm, Which route did Eisai chose?????

I love when people take a business course and think real life problems should be solved exactly like the book says. Ask Obama how his "business course" training is working out. LOL, get a life book boy.

I love when people take a business course and think real life problems should be solved exactly like the book says. Ask Obama how his "business course" training is working out. LOL, get a life book boy.

WTF are you talking about? At least the poster explained themselves! You on the other hand offer ZERO argument against their claims and then proceed to call them "book boy". AND THEN you try to make your political statement of the day by lumping OBAMA into the argument? Again, WTF is wrong with you.

The good thing about your post is that we've learned a bit about you!
Here is what we know now:
1 - You aren't a big believer in books or logical thinking for that matter.
2 - You rely on the TV talking heads for your education. Which explains #1.

*I'm also guessing that if you have your MBA (which you may not because that would involve books and such) you will have it printed on your nametag, business card AND email signature to ensure that EVERYBODY knows you are not to be trifled with!

The only thing I can hope for is that you aren't in management or in the management development program.

WTF are you talking about? At least the poster explained themselves! You on the other hand offer ZERO argument against their claims and then proceed to call them "book boy". AND THEN you try to make your political statement of the day by lumping OBAMA into the argument? Again, WTF is wrong with you.

The good thing about your post is that we've learned a bit about you!
Here is what we know now:
1 - You aren't a big believer in books or logical thinking for that matter.
2 - You rely on the TV talking heads for your education. Which explains #1.

*I'm also guessing that if you have your MBA (which you may not because that would involve books and such) you will have it printed on your nametag, business card AND email signature to ensure that EVERYBODY knows you are not to be trifled with!

The only thing I can hope for is that you aren't in management or in the management development program.

Sales Director Baby. I got it made.

I am glad LC chose option one for the people at WCL, but that speech did not trickle down to the sales force. For those of us in the field we are being told that the reason sales are down is because of us. This fact has been driven home starting with OB saying we are not making the same sacrifices as HO management, and that we just need to follow a new call panel of targets. The numerous reports and heavy handed disciplinary tactics are what we see on a daily basis. We have not heard anyone from HO tell us that they make mistakes or misjudged how well the market would accept A23. From where we stand, option 2 is far more accurate representation.

Agreed. I am curious what surprises our POA in Orlando will hold for us . Will we be told of layoffs? or that the reason the numbers are so bad is because we are not making enough pharmacy calls? Hopefully, we will be told the truth about our future and what the possible scenarios might be. Either way, the head pounding reports and constant discipline over any/all items that are minutia must stop if there is to be any real chance of the sales force making sales instead of checking the box.

WTF are you talking about? At least the poster explained themselves! You on the other hand offer ZERO argument against their claims and then proceed to call them "book boy". AND THEN you try to make your political statement of the day by lumping OBAMA into the argument? Again, WTF is wrong with you.

The good thing about your post is that we've learned a bit about you!
Here is what we know now:
1 - You aren't a big believer in books or logical thinking for that matter.
2 - You rely on the TV talking heads for your education. Which explains #1.

*I'm also guessing that if you have your MBA (which you may not because that would involve books and such) you will have it printed on your nametag, business card AND email signature to ensure that EVERYBODY knows you are not to be trifled with!

The only thing I can hope for is that you aren't in management or in the management development program.

Nice job kicking his ass. What a fucking moron that guy is. Goes to show you the type of idiots this company has working for it in management.

Agreed. I am curious what surprises our POA in Orlando will hold for us . Will we be told of layoffs? or that the reason the numbers are so bad is because we are not making enough pharmacy calls? Hopefully, we will be told the truth about our future and what the possible scenarios might be. Either way, the head pounding reports and constant discipline over any/all items that are minutia must stop if there is to be any real chance of the sales force making sales instead of checking the box.

Another question regarding the POA is if the video role certification is rumor or fact. I have not heard what BS they have planned at this point but you know it will be painful either way....

It's another great OB moment in what they call "collaboration" with Training. Dumb and Dumber are driving our POA. One of our RDs told the DMs this is going to be one f-ing waste of time.