Just Arrested for OVI, Plead not guilty. Will I be Fired?


A lot of old timers have retired this year, including me. Just not the same company I hired on with many years ago. Something in the wind, don't feel comfortable about the changes. Remember the memo "both companies will evaluate benefits after the split", I think I will take what I have earned now, see ya. We used to come to work hung over every day and had no problem. That made the work very interesting. All the dates you could get while roaming the cafeteria was truly amazing. And the gambling and high stakes card games every day are what I really miss.

A lot of old timers have retired this year, including me. Just not the same company I hired on with many years ago. Something in the wind, don't feel comfortable about the changes. Remember the memo "both companies will evaluate benefits after the split", I think I will take what I have earned now, see ya. We used to come to work hung over every day and had no problem. That made the work very interesting. All the dates you could get while roaming the cafeteria was truly amazing. And the gambling and high stakes card games every day are what I really miss.

Now your just an unemployed tool roaming the board reminiscing. No one misses you.
It looks like this drunk driver will soon be missing it with you.

Fired Immediately
As a condition of employment, it is required that one reports the incident within 24 hours. You are able to make a phone call from Jail. Call your manager and report it immediately