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Just a step folks, next they want your rubbers - LOL


Well-Known Member
Justice Thomas says the Supreme Court should reconsider rulings that protect contraception and same-sex marriage as the court overturns Roe v. Wade

What's with that freak anyway? Wonder what he'd say about taking a look at inter-racial marriage?

Justice Thomas: SCOTUS ‘should reconsider’ contraception, same-sex marriage rulings
Thomas would be wise to heed the words of pastor Niemoller who wrote ‘Then they came for me’. Famous poem about rise of Hitler and those who never spoke up when they should have. Huge echo of our current time and the silence of those afraid to speak up. The monster he is calling forth just might devour he and Ginni!!!!

This week has been an awsome week! Our Supreme court has reminded NY that the 2nd A "shall not be infringed" and the choice of abortion resides with the state.

Elections have consequences.

Speaking of elections, in Nov, you will experence a red wave. You are welcome!

This week has been an awsome week! Our Supreme court has reminded NY that the 2nd A "shall not be infringed" and the choice of abortion resides with the state.

Elections have consequences.

Speaking of elections, in Nov, you will experence a red wave. You are welcome!
You are an uneducated hypocrite. The radical Supreme Court will have big effect on future elections. The wheels of the gods grind slowly but exceedingly fine. We are coming for people like you. Watch out for your sperm…we sill monitor it!!! Equal opportunity, right???? Signed, a pissed off woman.

This week has been an awsome week! Our Supreme court has reminded NY that the 2nd A "shall not be infringed" and the choice of abortion resides with the state.

Elections have consequences.

Speaking of elections, in Nov, you will experence a red wave. You are welcome!
Oh, so take away abortion and let stayed decide……yet don’t let the states decide on guns?????

shall not be infringed is some golden rule, but what about WELL REGULATED???!!


You are an uneducated hypocrite. The radical Supreme Court will have big effect on future elections. The wheels of the gods grind slowly but exceedingly fine. We are coming for people like you. Watch out for your sperm…we sill monitor it!!! Equal opportunity, right???? Signed, a pissed off woman.

What’s amusing is that in states like Alabama and Texas, who are trying to support white supremacy, Black and Hispanic people outnumber whites by far in those seeking abortion. So, in effect, these states are cutting their own throats, by contributing to the growth of these populations. Eventually, whites will be responsible for their own, shrinkage.

I’m confused…..they take away gun laws because they don’t want the states to decide what’s best for them, yet they outlaw abortion and let the states decide?

Yeah there are a lot of shitbag parents out there, who are creating monsters. And there’s also plenty of “educators” willing to look the other way, while the signs are all there.
Surprised you are not touting the “good person with a gun” after the debacle of the fully armed police in Uvalde who didn’t even have the guts to try to save children who were begging for help. So sorry, you lose. Also sounds like you are the expert on “parents creating monsters’. Guess you would know.

The second amendment is in the Bill of Rights. It’s absolute. Abortion isn’t in the Constitution.

Yep but a well regulated militia isn't an 18 year old buying 2 AR 15s and and huge ammo clips, it's a responsible group of people interested in defending the country. The new gun law just signed in no way impinges on that Constitutional right.
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Surprised you are not touting the “good person with a gun” after the debacle of the fully armed police in Uvalde who didn’t even have the guts to try to save children who were begging for help. So sorry, you lose. Also sounds like you are the expert on “parents creating monsters’. Guess you would know.
Nah mine aren't shitbags, like yours. Everyone knew about this kid, the Buffalo kid, and the Oxford Michigan kid. All killed animals, all of their parents helped them cover their behavior up, the school knew that this was a future school shooter with all of them.

Maybe sometime you could watch the SNL skit "John David Stutts; the Man Who Killed Buckwheat from about 1984. That skit has become the truth thanks to you people.

This week has been an awsome week! Our Supreme court has reminded NY that the 2nd A "shall not be infringed" and the choice of abortion resides with the state.

Elections have consequences.

Speaking of elections, in Nov, you will experence a red wave. You are welcome!
I would have agree with that before this week. But suburban women ALWAYS tip the election scales and this ruling has them fired up.

Doesn’t Brett have daughters? How does he look at them? How do they look at him? I don’t understand how you’d want to take the rights away from them and force them to carry unwanted pregnancies????

Doesn’t Brett have daughters? How does he look at them? How do they look at him? I don’t understand how you’d want to take the rights away from them and force them to carry unwanted pregnancies????
Brett can send his daughters to Canada or a pro abortion state if they get into trouble with a pregnancy- such as an ectopic pregnancy or one that puts the mother in danger. Two Americas here- don’t you know that??? Do as I say, not as I do.