July 5 Give the Day Off


Majority of my offices are closed or skeletal staff with no docs in on Friday, July 5.
Are we suppose to drive around entering fake calls? Boost the morale, give the day off company wide for ALL divisions and it have reps have to bs because we all know 99% of Sun will not be working

WHAAAAAAAAA. WHAAAAAAAA Frickin cry babies . Ilumya TMs should be asking to work more to boost sales. Not trying to stay home and drink booze. Grow up and get aggressive or talk the 5th off. And every day after that too cause you’re fired

WHAAAAAAAAA. WHAAAAAAAA Frickin cry babies . Ilumya TMs should be asking to work more to boost sales. Not trying to stay home and drink booze. Grow up and get aggressive or talk the 5th off. And every day after that too cause you’re fired

The person was saying EVERYONE should have the damn day off not Ilumya specific. Could the hate stop for that division already? Who cares what they do or don’t do. I vote for the day off too and I’m not in that group.
If you are going to work the 5th good for you but I’m taking day off.
Everybody just shut the F up already about ilumya people. It’s old, tired, and the petty middle school behavior needs to stop. Hell my 8 year old is more mature.

WHAAAAAAAAA. WHAAAAAAAA Frickin cry babies . Ilumya TMs should be asking to work more to boost sales. Not trying to stay home and drink booze. Grow up and get aggressive or talk the 5th off. And every day after that too cause you’re fired

I’m going to the Catalina Wine Mixer to drink my booze thank you very much and take the day off so win for me. Might as well have fun if we are getting fired right? Lol!

Majority of my offices are closed or skeletal staff with no docs in on Friday, July 5.
Are we suppose to drive around entering fake calls? Boost the morale, give the day off company wide for ALL divisions and it have reps have to bs because we all know 99% of Sun will not be working

99% of Ilumya team does not work on most days. Why should July 5 be any different?

Majority of my offices are closed or skeletal staff with no docs in on Friday, July 5.
Are we suppose to drive around entering fake calls? Boost the morale, give the day off company wide for ALL divisions and it have reps have to bs because we all know 99% of Sun will not be working
A free day off?
You want to be rewarded for bad performance?
It doesn't work that way.

The person was saying EVERYONE should have the damn day off not Ilumya specific. Could the hate stop for that division already? Who cares what they do or don’t do. I vote for the day off too and I’m not in that group.
If you are going to work the 5th good for you but I’m taking day off.
Everybody just shut the F up already about ilumya people. It’s old, tired, and the petty middle school behavior needs to stop. Hell my 8 year old is more mature.

If you are at goal you get day off. If not at goal you must work.

ill be at HO with the feet on my desk. I’ll read cafe pharma all day while sipping on my latte. I’ll make a few replies, take a few coffee breaks, then quietly exit the building. I will then get in my car to drive home. I’ll crack open a few beers and watch tv. While watching tv I’ll pull my phone out and read cafe pharma. I’ll make some more replies. Here’s the twist ... I do this every day

Considering the fact that you may be out of a job soon, think maybe you should do the best job possible so that you'll be on the list of keepers??

We aren’t off, it’s been asked. Only choice is to “work” or use one of your sick or vacation days. It’s bs because majority of docs are out or offices closed. It’s just for show and such a waste. My manager is playing golf...I mean doing administrative work.

The person was saying EVERYONE should have the damn day off not Ilumya specific. Could the hate stop for that division already? Who cares what they do or don’t do. I vote for the day off too and I’m not in that group.
If you are going to work the 5th good for you but I’m taking day off.
Everybody just shut the F up already about ilumya people. It’s old, tired, and the petty middle school behavior needs to stop. Hell my 8 year old is more mature.

Love this post!! Couldn’t agree more! Yes, the person said EVERYONE should get day off asshat who made it again about Ilumya people. Let the hate go people damn.