What’s going to happen come July 1st?
That question is the elephant in the room which we all don't want to acknowledge. Then there's the sword of Damocles over our heads regarding Spiriva GENERIC availability in the U.S. AZ's meds too.
Agree. I'ts possible we sign some sort of waiver accepting the risk. Very tough to say how offices are going to respond. I think the few remaining solo practices will probably let us back in but the systems are going to be a tough call.A large majority of field sales reps will be back in the field. What will that look like? I don’t know. I personally think that in most states we will still have access although it will be at a much slower pace than before. Hospital reps are mostly screwed until we have a vaccine.
The degree of Access will from state to state and territory by territory. I’ll assume we will all be wearing masks & gloves and be waiting to see prescribers in specially designated areas as far away from patients and staff as possible.
Reducing head count is definitely going to be on the table with access reduction but reduction will be considered area by area and state by state and territory territory.
Now how does the company feel about risking reps health by sending them back in to offices? There’s huge potential for litigation if they send us back and someone dies from contracting COVID 19.
Respiratory reps - they’ve been staring down the barrel of a gun anyway with the uptake of triple therapy as first line use, poor to fair formulary coverage and sub par marketing strategies along with generic Spiriva on the horizon. Their time line is short. 2-3 years maybe
Agree. I'ts possible we sign some sort of waiver accepting the risk. Very tough to say how offices are going to respond. I think the few remaining solo practices will probably let us back in but the systems are going to be a tough call.
Odd how virtual selling was in the works before all this CV19 came down. It’s the platform that’s gonna be used by the few left to perform. Working from home? You can have that lunch from Chicago with an office in Kansas. No cars, mail samples. Do you see where this is going..Agree. I'ts possible we sign some sort of waiver accepting the risk. Very tough to say how offices are going to respond. I think the few remaining solo practices will probably let us back in but the systems are going to be a tough call.
Is it me? But I just don’t sense a need even for samples in my territory. My busiest doctors are only seeing 10-20% of their volume?Sales are finally starting to catch up with the front loading of prescription fills in March and April. This will lead to a poor May, June and likely most of July.
Best to be prepared.
Is it me? But I just don’t sense a need even for samples in my territory. My busiest doctors are only seeing 10-20% of their volume?
It's not just you but try your best to get some samples out. Reps who haven't are getting scrutinized from the very top. Totally true. Also hit VAE metric, this is also being monitored. This is not BS, reps who haven't been hitting these metrics have to explain why.Is it me? But I just don’t sense a need even for samples in my territory. My busiest doctors are only seeing 10-20% of their volume?
Agree. I'ts possible we sign some sort of waiver accepting the risk. Very tough to say how offices are going to respond. I think the few remaining solo practices will probably let us back in but the systems are going to be a tough call.
Nope. This goes as well to the answer of the poster you quoted. No waivers of any sort. If any employee is injured (aka contracting coronavirus) in the course of work function, that is what worker’s compensation is for. If you’re thinking about suing the company should you get infected, i can tell you, it’s not going to be easy. The plaintiff will have a heavy burden to prove he or she got infected specifically because of the work they perform on behalf of the employer. That means substantial documentation/proof that directly connects one’s being infected with one’s work. And this is even assuming an attorney will take your case - a lot of these types of cases are usually on a contingency basis and an attorney half his worth will immediately be able to determine if you even have a chance at it.