journalist writing about med device sales culture

How exactly do you save lives? By bringing in your product that should have already been on the shelf to begin with? Sounds to me like you need to know what the term "par level" means. If you save lives, so does the schlep that builds the product and the truck driver that brings it to the FedEx hub to ship it to you. Give us all a break with the drama. Oh and by the way, I don't work for Boston Scientific and happy not to because I'd be surrounded with lame asses like you. You, sir, is what bosci represents to every hospital I work at...complete jackassary.

Par level? WTF, you must sell tampons or band aids, which is fine, but it's a different type of prodcut/sell. No better/worse, just different.

What exactly do you do for countless hours to save lives? You sound like a complete douche, it's nice to work with patients, but opening a device and dropping it on the table is hardly "saving lives". I doubt anyone wants to exploit your work, he's looking for dirt on docs. Pull your head out of your ass, you're in sales, not doing the procedure.

This whole thing is hillarious. This guy never said he saves lives. Too funny.

This whole thing is hillarious. This guy never said he saves lives. Too funny.

Re-read his posts

"Get a life while we save a life"

" countless hours to save a piece of crap like you" - this is the most pathetic thing I have read on this site

What a tool, I kind of feel sorry for this guy too.

Re-read his posts

"Get a life while we save a life"

" countless hours to save a piece of crap like you" - this is the most pathetic thing I have read on this site

What a tool, I kind of feel sorry for this guy too.

I feel sorry for u too. U run your pie hole an awful lot for someone who isn't in the conversation. U know what was meant. When you work n an industry that provides life saving TX you share in the satisfaction when someone survives scd. So while I've tolerated comments from u disgruntled shitheads I'm through. If u r too f'n stupid too understand what I meant then I truly feel for all u losers. Im done w this site as it truly is full of ignorant dumbasses. I'm embarrassed I've even looked at this site. Do me a favor dipshits read ALL the posts and u will see my point. I was addressing journalist vultures. Then all the sudden what must be useless pricks pounced on a comment that a 2 year old would have understood. So go back to selling tampons and have a great life while I continue to help physicians and pts.
F off

I feel sorry for u too. U run your pie hole an awful lot for someone who isn't in the conversation. U know what was meant. When you work n an industry that provides life saving TX you share in the satisfaction when someone survives scd. So while I've tolerated comments from u disgruntled shitheads I'm through. If u r too f'n stupid too understand what I meant then I truly feel for all u losers. Im done w this site as it truly is full of ignorant dumbasses. I'm embarrassed I've even looked at this site. Do me a favor dipshits read ALL the posts and u will see my point. I was addressing journalist vultures. Then all the sudden what must be useless pricks pounced on a comment that a 2 year old would have understood. So go back to selling tampons and have a great life while I continue to help physicians and pts.
F off

Or..... You could help yourself and be a "patient" in an Anger Managment Program.

I'm just sayin.......

I feel sorry for u too. U run your pie hole an awful lot for someone who isn't in the conversation. U know what was meant. When you work n an industry that provides life saving TX you share in the satisfaction when someone survives scd. So while I've tolerated comments from u disgruntled shitheads I'm through. If u r too f'n stupid too understand what I meant then I truly feel for all u losers. Im done w this site as it truly is full of ignorant dumbasses. I'm embarrassed I've even looked at this site. Do me a favor dipshits read ALL the posts and u will see my point. I was addressing journalist vultures. Then all the sudden what must be useless pricks pounced on a comment that a 2 year old would have understood. So go back to selling tampons and have a great life while I continue to help physicians and pts.
F off

Daaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmnnnnn, lighten up, don't take this, or your job, too seriously, life is to short

Don't worry, he won't be replying again. Word on the street is he just passed away from a combination heart attack, high blood pressure, stroke, stress with his knuckles and teeth clenched going on about wanting to save a life. So sad...

I feel sorry for u too. U run your pie hole an awful lot for someone who isn't in the conversation. U know what was meant. When you work n an industry that provides life saving TX you share in the satisfaction when someone survives scd. So while I've tolerated comments from u disgruntled shitheads I'm through. If u r too f'n stupid too understand what I meant then I truly feel for all u losers. Im done w this site as it truly is full of ignorant dumbasses. I'm embarrassed I've even looked at this site. Do me a favor dipshits read ALL the posts and u will see my point. I was addressing journalist vultures. Then all the sudden what must be useless pricks pounced on a comment that a 2 year old would have understood. So go back to selling tampons and have a great life while I continue to help physicians and pts.
F off

Journalist vultures? Our founding fathers thought that that a free press played an integral role in a functioning democracy; hence the first amendment. But I guess you figured out something while selling your life-saving medical devices that Madison, Jefferson, et al. must have overlooked.

Hi, I am a journalist writing about the world of medical device sales, with a focus on coronary devices. If anyone is interested in speaking with me about the topic--I don't need to use your name in the piece--please email me at Looking forward to hearing from some of the reps who post on this board.

You only need to read all the posts on this board for BSX, MDT and STJ and you should get everything you want.