One night after a board meeting i ate too much indian food mixed with lots of beer. While I slept I was thinking how great would it be if we raised our price 140% and told customers its not a price increase but price reset because we were selling it to cheaply. What were we thinking. Once accounts remove it we can immediately take back the moral high ground and be shocked and say how could they remove the drug and not take patient safety into account. After HSS sales plummet and just when the hss's dont expect it we trip over ourselves and spit out something about adding OSS to cover just 2 or so or maybe 7 accounts and in one day expect them to start selling. Then we pretend we are growing and have two national meetings about it but maybe this summer it actually happens. Some where in there we will expand the sales force just for good measure and to show the world we have arrived and are ready to take on your product if we are lucky enough to have the winning bid. Dont forget we dont just write sales goals down on a napkin but we put thought into it. Actually, I think it was on toilet paper but where was I when i was thinking about what the sales goal should be. Hmmm? Good thing as im out of toilet paper now and will use that piece to .....! Lets see am i missing anything. Raise price, lose lots of business and respect, shrink territories/ add hss, add oss because they are there, sales goal from la la land, kitchen sink, pink unicorn, and in case people were not sure why they love this place lets review the bonus plan.
Wow that was some nightmare. Can you imagine if that really happened!