Joke of an Incentive Plan

I was extremely disappointed about this bonus plan and feel the company let me down and now punishing me for my successes. I will never respect this company and it will be an absolute pleasure when I have another job lined up and can resign. They have completely let me down. Oh and about the President club trip, It is appalling when people like MM and JD "automatically" go on these trips with their spouses. They get to go because?

I was extremely disappointed about this bonus plan and feel the company let me down and now punishing me for my successes. I will never respect this company and it will be an absolute pleasure when I have another job lined up and can resign. They have completely let me down. Oh and about the President club trip, It is appalling when people like MM and JD "automatically" go on these trips with their spouses. They get to go because?

I agree 100%. Now all that a high volume (which by the way is what the company wanted us to achieve and constantly told us we would be rewarded) representative can do is dumb-down and let their hospitals lose business and put themselves in the mid-tier to make the same money and then show growth for the next year. So sad the games people have to play versus just being paid on what we have been told to do. It will be really interesting to watch these low-volume territories win President's Club. Yeah, that's going to really aspire everyone to do their best. They may as well not do a Presient's club trip this year as it will be an embarrassing spectacle. The high volume reps will be running for the hills and a smart company will gladly take them.

One night after a board meeting i ate too much indian food mixed with lots of beer. While I slept I was thinking how great would it be if we raised our price 140% and told customers its not a price increase but price reset because we were selling it to cheaply. What were we thinking. Once accounts remove it we can immediately take back the moral high ground and be shocked and say how could they remove the drug and not take patient safety into account. After HSS sales plummet and just when the hss's dont expect it we trip over ourselves and spit out something about adding OSS to cover just 2 or so or maybe 7 accounts and in one day expect them to start selling. Then we pretend we are growing and have two national meetings about it but maybe this summer it actually happens. Some where in there we will expand the sales force just for good measure and to show the world we have arrived and are ready to take on your product if we are lucky enough to have the winning bid. Dont forget we dont just write sales goals down on a napkin but we put thought into it. Actually, I think it was on toilet paper but where was I when i was thinking about what the sales goal should be. Hmmm? Good thing as im out of toilet paper now and will use that piece to .....! Lets see am i missing anything. Raise price, lose lots of business and respect, shrink territories/ add hss, add oss because they are there, sales goal from la la land, kitchen sink, pink unicorn, and in case people were not sure why they love this place lets review the bonus plan.
Wow that was some nightmare. Can you imagine if that really happened!

Stacy says riding the train on a large volume account isn't sales it is collecting welfare because Malli gave you the territory where you can just rise with the tide. She said building volume in the small accounts is what makes real growth and takes real effort.

Stacy says riding the train on a large volume account isn't sales it is collecting welfare because Malli gave you the territory where you can just rise with the tide. She said building volume in the small accounts is what makes real growth and takes real effort.

Well as we all know, that bitch was never in sales and has zero sales experience so we still aren't quite sure who she slept with to get the job she has, but enough said. No one likes or respects her and if that is the kind of legacy she wants to leave, then she can live with it.

Malli never gave anyone territories. We started as Cadence and all these territories were an even playing field with zero sales. Some people did well and built up an excellent reputation and business and others didn't. So what are these small accounts? They are accounts with sub par reps that didn't get it done in the first place. How do you think the highly successful territories grew? Pure magic? Every single rep that has gone to President's Clib has years and years of highly consistent sales no matter what company they have been with.

Now the ones that have worked their tails off and built up a strong business are now being penalized for it. What a complete insult to these people that made the Ofirmev launch a success to begin with! If it wasn't for the high achievers, Malli wouldn't have had any interest in buying the company and product.

It is the simple: NO PAY, WE GO AWAY!

They've doenmthe same thing in the past to the pharma reps with other products. History repeats itself. Yes, reward growth, but don't penalize the people bringing in the big bucks.

You do realize that when you win PC the year after you pay for it in terms of quotas don't you??? Nothing to do with how fantastic you think you are. Sure you do a bang up job probably even extremely well and no sarcasm here you really are a great rep but HO pushes you even further the next year just so it appears as though you aren't always winning.

Been at this way too long seen too many stupidities and when someone says great job tell us your best practices. Sorry to say its the same thing I do almost everyday works well but the numbers are aligned so I won. By the way don't waste my time listening to what the fearless leaders say because its all lies and subject to change so THEY can make money not us.

BBQ time.

I have to chime in on this thread too. Ive been so impressed with the President's club winners and their volume is what kept Cadence afloat. I have reach out to many at the top of the leaderboard and they have helped me. I have been inspired by many of them and they have motivated me. For those that don't understand what it takes to maintain the type of volume these individuals have managed to do, are just simply ignorant, choose to avoid the obvious, and never have actually spoken to any of these leaders on what their weekly schedules look like. Especially in the current scenario when the price of OFIRMEV was tripled and every single representative has had major issues, you would think they would reward anyone who can grow and/or maintain their business. This isn't a matter of a drug selling itself. This drug is very difficult to get usage as there are so many significantly large roadblocks fighting every minute of the day.
Mallinckrodt should be grateful to these individuals for continuing to fight such an uphill battle and make such a big difference. They are bringing in strong money per their respective territories and now it seems like they are getting spit on. I would rather have 1 too performing rep working for me than 10 average reps any day.
It will be interesting to see how the upcoming rank report is rigged. I will be upset to see someone that with low volume that say sells 10% of what these top achievers do, be on too of the leaderboard. If you have average reps with low volume being award The Presidents Club trip and volume leaders are pushed out, the culture will be completely desecrated. What will this tell everyone on the sales force? Just be average and dont strive to be anything higher and there is no one to admire or aspire to here in terms of performance. Makes me embarrassed to be a part of this organization.

You do realize that when you win PC the year after you pay for it in terms of quotas don't you??? Nothing to do with how fantastic you think you are. Sure you do a bang up job probably even extremely well and no sarcasm here you really are a great rep but HO pushes you even further the next year just so it appears as though you aren't always winning.

Been at this way too long seen too many stupidities and when someone says great job tell us your best practices. Sorry to say its the same thing I do almost everyday works well but the numbers are aligned so I won. By the way don't waste my time listening to what the fearless leaders say because its all lies and subject to change so THEY can make money not us.

BBQ time.

You're one big ridiculous excuse after another. Your BBQ comment easily feeds into the argument that you are clearly immature and don't work. Your comments couldn't be more inaccurate considering this company has had several back to back PC award winners. Its also interesting to see that their track records throughout their career are consistently winning PC awards wherever they are and whatever company they work for. This is called skill and hard work and something one can easily tell you have neither of. You are probably the same lazy bastard who left earlier comments on this thread. You're right about one thing because we have all seen your type. You have been at this way too long and know how to slip through the cracks with average sales at best.

Please spare us your rhetoric look at the time the person chimed in! You or I don't know anything about that person wether good or bad. I'm not holier than though but to see how you whoever you are just systematically bash any and everyone posting here. Maybe you should think of doing whatever that person is doing for pete's sake it's friday after 5pm on the east coast kick back back open a cool beverage start the barbie enjoy the weekend.

Granted it's not paradise but neither is it hell ( ok close) and yes there are serious issues on all levels but dumping on posters because they may or may not agree with you c'mon man smile enjoy your down time.

Please spare us your rhetoric look at the time the person chimed in! You or I don't know anything about that person wether good or bad. I'm not holier than though but to see how you whoever you are just systematically bash any and everyone posting here. Maybe you should think of doing whatever that person is doing for pete's sake it's friday after 5pm on the east coast kick back back open a cool beverage start the barbie enjoy the weekend.

Granted it's not paradise but neither is it hell ( ok close) and yes there are serious issues on all levels but dumping on posters because they may or may not agree with you c'mon man smile enjoy your down time.

Too many cold ones for you dude your spelling sucks!

Please spare us your rhetoric look at the time the person chimed in! You or I don't know anything about that person wether good or bad. I'm not holier than though but to see how you whoever you are just systematically bash any and everyone posting here. Maybe you should think of doing whatever that person is doing for pete's sake it's friday after 5pm on the east coast kick back back open a cool beverage start the barbie enjoy the weekend.

Granted it's not paradise but neither is it hell ( ok close) and yes there are serious issues on all levels but dumping on posters because they may or may not agree with you c'mon man smile enjoy your down time.

Ok this post is officially from the biggest FREAK! SCARY!!!

Please spare us your rhetoric look at the time the person chimed in! You or I don't know anything about that person wether good or bad. I'm not holier than though but to see how you whoever you are just systematically bash any and everyone posting here. Maybe you should think of doing whatever that person is doing for pete's sake it's friday after 5pm on the east coast kick back back open a cool beverage start the barbie enjoy the weekend.

Granted it's not paradise but neither is it hell ( ok close) and yes there are serious issues on all levels but dumping on posters because they may or may not agree with you c'mon man smile enjoy your down time.

Take a breath!! I'd like to introduce you to a concept you obviously didn't learn in school. This may come in handy someday. It's called punctuation. When you stop to breathe in conversation, that is signified by a comma in written communication. When you come to a stopping place, like at the end of a sentence, use a period. This will help others read your interminable blather, if they so choose.

Ok momentary blip of a few moronic posts. Now back to the bonus. Anyone know the exact payout day? I do agree with the argument that the high volume territories (and they did get there for a reason) are getting screwed. When I look at overall sales from all the individual reps, only a handful are actually producing decent volume and that should be rewarded. but more importantly, when do we get paid. This will be the gauge once each rep receives their bonus payment and then they can determine if they were screwed and make arrangements to find another job.

Yes, seriously. One thing I think you may be missing: You're probably assuming that the folks who figure the numbers and process the payouts are honest. Don't look past that.

Trust me when I tell you I have been on the receiving end of their dishonesty. It happens.

Yes, seriously. One thing I think you may be missing: You're probably assuming that the folks who figure the numbers and process the payouts are honest. Don't look past that.

Trust me when I tell you I have been on the receiving end of their dishonesty. It happens.

That I can believe in addition to everything else!

Listen Cadence is dead and there are no longer going to be 30k or even 20 k bonuses. It is just a fact. A bonus of 15k is now gigantic and will be close to top in the country this qtr. Last qtr the avg was mostly likely 6k and this qtr maybe 8k. This plan is to balance it out with a tighter range. The plan will never be fair to everyone especially when hss revenue goes from 150k to 1.5 million. Work hard, do your job and understand it is a living.
You want big bonuses go find them somewhere else. That's it

Listen Cadence is dead and there are no longer going to be 30k or even 20 k bonuses. It is just a fact. A bonus of 15k is now gigantic and will be close to top in the country this qtr. Last qtr the avg was mostly likely 6k and this qtr maybe 8k. This plan is to balance it out with a tighter range. The plan will never be fair to everyone especially when hss revenue goes from 150k to 1.5 million. Work hard, do your job and understand it is a living.
You want big bonuses go find them somewhere else. That's it

Ok, time to put yourself in check. Your ego sounds a bit overinflated and we will take a pass on your logic and Intel. Good grief. Give us all a break. I have an idea. Quit and go become a financial analyst somewhere as you seem to think you know everything. Now, do your job and work hard.