John Hollberg

Steven mcgeegee. Now there is a waste of company money.
He does what? Oh that's right, he sends scathing emails and stabs you in the back to the powers that be. Then acts like your pal

Steven mcgeegee. Now there is a waste of company money.
He does what? Oh that's right, he sends scathing emails and stabs you in the back to the powers that be. Then acts like your pal

You have no idea the level of backstabbing Stevey McGee and many other tards in management have done to get to where they are today. Unreal.

To the rep who thinks people in corporate wouldn't have a job without him, or her, let's be clear that without the products we develop in R&D using capabilities we've developed with years of studying at the masters and phD levels, YOU wouldn't have a job. You're welcome.

To the rep who thinks people in corporate wouldn't have a job without him, or her, let's be clear that without the products we develop in R&D using capabilities we've developed with years of studying at the masters and phD levels, YOU wouldn't have a job. You're welcome.

This may be the worst post in the history of cafepharma. The skin was developed by two doctors and had nothing to do with us. But, if you are referencing the myriad of other products that R&D developed to further develop our robust skin category, lets just dive deeper: BMWD (same product different indication) IMWD (same product no silicone), Meshed (hmmm same product, lets poke holes in it), flowable (same product mashed up in a syringe and copied off of other competitors), Thin (half the thickness, same product), Tenoglide (same product as IMWD different indication), Omnigraft (same product lets throw a stapler in there).

Can the above poster please enlighten us as to where the "years of studying" has brought us new products? Can you please name one product that was not a me too product or acquired via purchase??

To the rep who thinks people in corporate wouldn't have a job without him, or her, let's be clear that without the products we develop in R&D using capabilities we've developed with years of studying at the masters and phD levels, YOU wouldn't have a job. You're welcome.

As I read this I have a very familiar voice I can hear. It sounds all too familiar and it makes me cringe. I'm sure it's you. It's gotta be. Nobody drinks more kool-aid and kisses more corporate ass than you. No, you wouldn't have a job you slimy scumbag. You're welcome.

This may be the worst post in the history of cafepharma. The skin was developed by two doctors and had nothing to do with us. But, if you are referencing the myriad of other products that R&D developed to further develop our robust skin category, lets just dive deeper: BMWD (same product different indication) IMWD (same product no silicone), Meshed (hmmm same product, lets poke holes in it), flowable (same product mashed up in a syringe and copied off of other competitors), Thin (half the thickness, same product), Tenoglide (same product as IMWD different indication), Omnigraft (same product lets throw a stapler in there).

Can the above poster please enlighten us as to where the "years of studying" has brought us new products? Can you please name one product that was not a me too product or acquired via purchase??

Mic Drop! Sales>R&D!!!!

the enterprise team here sucks. Hollberg is about as dumb and clueless about his job as we have at Integra! I'm pretty sure his horrible contracts have f*cked every rep in this company.

How do you sell metal into accounts when enterprise is only executing regen contracts? It seems management is all about the recon sales force selling metal, but doesn't give two sh*ts about enterprise only contracting regen.

If I can't bonus with only regen, these worthless f*ckers shouldn't get paid for their sh*tty regen only contracts!

Mic Drop! Sales>R&D!!!!

If Sales>R&D, why do you keep asking for new products? Shouldn't you be ok selling what you have? And most R&D and PD folks have been in on calls and in the field and see what you do (so we know what to develop), how many of you have spent a year or more developing a product, running the FDA hurdles, listened to Sales Reps bitch and moan how the promised a surgeon a new product and now we are delaying it, gone through packaging validations, etc etc...

Doubt many... keep bitching and moaning and maybe a doc will buy from you. If you aren't happy... leave. I've got things to do. And my team is profitable, making the company money, and had 40% growth last year. And it was sales related, so shut it.

So lemme guess oh great one, that money lines your pocket with all of the other chiefs in the company while the sales force fights over slim pickings w inferior, yes I said it, inferior (metal) products. You were either never in sales, or left sales because you couldn't cut it, so you could run the silver lining of the FDA from your cubicle while you rock crocs to work. I'd like to know
more on how you clarify growth with your Brady bunch team of pencil pushing sales wannabes. Glad to see the field sales team finally got through to someone at the home office on this medium. Lemme take a guess, Director of Sales Programs? WTF is that anyway.

Your team is profitable? What does that exactly mean, jabroni? You are in charge of price increases that transpire 3x annually? You are on the " enterprise" team. So 40% growth over last years total of 500 dollars n contracts awarded. You blow. Hard. R&d. Let's discuss. Two words : ex fix. Great job. Ass

Your team is profitable? What does that exactly mean, jabroni? You are in charge of price increases that transpire 3x annually? You are on the " enterprise" team. So 40% growth over last years total of 500 dollars n contracts awarded. You blow. Hard. R&d. Let's discuss. Two words : ex fix. Great job. Ass

Strike 1 sir, so, here is how growth is explained. We did $x sales in 2015 and in 2016 we did $x +40% with only 3-5% price increases. that's why you are where you are.