Trying to act ethically NOW does not exempt you from years of previous crimes.
This is the key issue here. They have been unethican thus criminal (unethical is 99.999% always illegal and criminal) almost for ever. It got worse after the merger when it bacame the way of doing biz and their corporate life/culture. NOW they are ACTING yes ACTING to be or want to be ethical and good corp citizens. This happens always when a big case is exposed so they have to do the damage control.
Joe is doing just that. He knows this is BS 4 he is one of them and he is just acting as their "codes of conduct for handling the misconduct" call for.
Let's wait and see if someone who is not in on it, comes forward with evidence and does the qui-tam against this crooked Co. For all we know this is already under seal and happening. So Joe this BS may have been all for NOTHING.