Joe Biden's "Cognitive Issues"

You are clearly speaking for yourself because I feel like he’s the worst president I’ve ever experienced in my lifetime. I want him gone from office and I want him gone quickly and hopefully thrown in prison
It amazes me that twice now the electoral collage has put in two terrible presidents in my lifetime.

When Biden wins, say adios to electoral college, a shakeup of court, and Republicans always in the minority
Won't happen.
Removing the electoral college would require a constitutional convention, meaning a 3/4 majority of the federal legislature (written into the Constitution) by the federal route; or 3/4 of all state legislatures by the state route

If he manages to win, Feeble Joe won't be getting that type of majority on either the fed or state levels

"Shakeup of court" doesn't have any real meaning, but I doubt you even know what you wanted to say there

Won't happen.
Removing the electoral college would require a constitutional convention, meaning a 3/4 majority of the federal legislature (written into the Constitution) by the federal route; or 3/4 of all state legislatures by the state route

If he manages to win, Feeble Joe won't be getting that type of majority on either the fed or state levels

"Shakeup of court" doesn't have any real meaning, but I doubt you even know what you wanted to say there

Manages to win? 306 was a landslide (according to the Orange Cheeto) in 2016. So he wins in a landslide, wins the popular vote and gets more votes than anyone ever. How do you like your crow? ;)

Speaking of cognitive issues, how about that Trump's Sidney Powell? One of the witnesses in Sidney Powell’s new Michigan lawsuit says in a declaration he thinks there’s something fishy about election returns in Edison County, MI.

Thing is, there is no Edison County in Michigan. ;)

The president doesn't do it, dumbass, the manufacturer does it. Good gawd, you worked in this bidness? Doing what? Sweeping floors? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Clearly your IQ is lower than dog feces.
1) Joe is not the President
2) Manufacturers do NOT just sign you up for clinical trials as you foolishly claimed. You apply for them, and only if you qualify are you allowed to join.