Joe Biden won the presidency today


With Trump and pants his head spinning breathtaking terrible beyond horrible failure - Dr Fauci even called it that - and his dismantling of affordable care act and holding up money as I type this - he is done. It’s over. Now It’s a matter of what’s the body count from COVID-19 until the election is over?


I can sense your eagerness to start this thread, but I wouldn't open up the champagne just yet. Granted, the combo of Corona and market collapse hasn't exactly put the wind at Trump's back...but I think Bernie is going to expose Joe this weekend at the debate.

And if he does? Well - either Bernie will go on the upswing and Trump will run against a Socialist, or he will run against mentally- missing Joe Biden. The time period from June-November will be grueling, and Trump runs on a 24hour battery. Joe is just......Joe. He will have ZERO support from the Bernie Bros and their minions, and Joe will flounder down the stretch, IMO.

I can sense your eagerness to start this thread, but I wouldn't open up the champagne just yet. Granted, the combo of Corona and market collapse hasn't exactly put the wind at Trump's back...but I think Bernie is going to expose Joe this weekend at the debate.

And if he does? Well - either Bernie will go on the upswing and Trump will run against a Socialist, or he will run against mentally- missing Joe Biden. The time period from June-November will be grueling, and Trump runs on a 24hour battery. Joe is just......Joe. He will have ZERO support from the Bernie Bros and their minions, and Joe will flounder down the stretch, IMO.
Biden is not mentally missing. He is a stutterer and doesn’t speak well at times. Have you ever been a stutterer? Kudos to him for his achievements in life which are huge compared to your hero.?He is a decent person which doesn’t mean much to you Christian types. Does that make him inept? Your favorite blob is a sociopath and seems mentally deficient except for throwing out insults which his fellow sociopath followers like you seem to Eat up! I’m for Joe and so are many people do get used to it you jerk

Biden is not mentally missing. He is a stutterer and doesn’t speak well at times. Have you ever been a stutterer? Kudos to him for his achievements in life which are huge compared to your hero.?He is a decent person which doesn’t mean much to you Christian types. Does that make him inept? Your favorite blob is a sociopath and seems mentally deficient except for throwing out insults which his fellow sociopath followers like you seem to Eat up! I’m for Joe and so are many people do get used to it you jerk

Nope, and since when Joe Biden been one? Bottom line the only reason any of you like Joe Biden because he is Trump's good twin. Christian types? haha that's a laugh there are no Christians on this site what are you talking about? Just one person maybe two on here pretending to be multiple people writing threads.o_O:rolleyes:

Biden is not mentally missing. He is a stutterer and doesn’t speak well at times. Have you ever been a stutterer? Kudos to him for his achievements in life which are huge compared to your hero.?He is a decent person which doesn’t mean much to you Christian types. Does that make him inept? Your favorite blob is a sociopath and seems mentally deficient except for throwing out insults which his fellow sociopath followers like you seem to Eat up! I’m for Joe and so are many people do get used to it you jerk

Many moving parts still in the mix. Just how serious is this virus? We don't know yet. Fear travels faster than the virus but be prepared for a last minute miracle ploy if, in September, a miracle stock market/economy rebound occurs. It's too soon to tell bity IMHO Trump took a big gamble and misplayed this. The GOP needs to tape his mouth shut and take a hammer to his tweeter. Wait until Scaramucci starts campaigning with Obie in the swing states. :p

Biden is not mentally missing. He is a stutterer and doesn’t speak well at times. Have you ever been a stutterer? Kudos to him for his achievements in life which are huge compared to your hero.?He is a decent person which doesn’t mean much to you Christian types. Does that make him inept? Your favorite blob is a sociopath and seems mentally deficient except for throwing out insults which his fellow sociopath followers like you seem to Eat up! I’m for Joe and so are many people do get used to it you jerk

What are you talking about? Creepy Crooked Joe doesn't stutter. He's got demensia. He doesn't even know where he is most of the time. Did I stutter?

I can sense your eagerness to start this thread, but I wouldn't open up the champagne just yet. Granted, the combo of Corona and market collapse hasn't exactly put the wind at Trump's back...but I think Bernie is going to expose Joe this weekend at the debate.

And if he does? Well - either Bernie will go on the upswing and Trump will run against a Socialist, or he will run against mentally- missing Joe Biden. The time period from June-November will be grueling, and Trump runs on a 24hour battery. Joe is just......Joe. He will have ZERO support from the Bernie Bros and their minions, and Joe will flounder down the stretch, IMO.

Biden is not mentally missing. He is a stutterer and doesn’t speak well at times. Have you ever been a stutterer? Kudos to him for his achievements in life which are huge compared to your hero.?He is a decent person which doesn’t mean much to you Christian types. Does that make him inept? Your favorite blob is a sociopath and seems mentally deficient except for throwing out insults which his fellow sociopath followers like you seem to Eat up! I’m for Joe and so are many people do get used to it you jerk
LOL! You’re more mentally deficient than Joe is!
And yeah, Joe is such a decent fellow that he tried to ruin Clarence Thomas with lies. He’s such a decent person he lies and plagiarizes. He’s such a decent person he threatens foreign officials to save his sorry son.

Nope, and since when Joe Biden been one? Bottom line the only reason any of you like Joe Biden because he is Trump's good twin. Christian types? haha that's a laugh there are no Christians on this site what are you talking about? Just one person maybe two on here pretending to be multiple people writing threads.o_O:rolleyes:
Another person even more mentally deficient than slow Joe!

Many moving parts still in the mix. Just how serious is this virus? We don't know yet. Fear travels faster than the virus but be prepared for a last minute miracle ploy if, in September, a miracle stock market/economy rebound occurs. It's too soon to tell bity IMHO Trump took a big gamble and misplayed this. The GOP needs to tape his mouth shut and take a hammer to his tweeter. Wait until Scaramucci starts campaigning with Obie in the swing states. :p
Wait for what? Trump to make mincemeat of them??? LOL!
True, we don’t know exactly how things will play out wit this virus. We do know Trump has done a much better job than Obama did with The swine flu which killed far more people so far and numbered the young and healthy in its toll, not elderly nursing home residents!

LOL! You’re more mentally deficient than Joe is!
And yeah, Joe is such a decent fellow that he tried to ruin Clarence Thomas with lies. He’s such a decent person he lies and plagiarizes. He’s such a decent person he threatens foreign officials to save his sorry son.
Well at least Joe's son doesn't go to Africa and shoot endangered species like the Trump boys. Couple of losers

Wait for what? Trump to make mincemeat of them??? LOL!
True, we don’t know exactly how things will play out wit this virus. We do know Trump has done a much better job than Obama did with The swine flu which killed far more people so far and numbered the young and healthy in its toll, not elderly nursing home residents!
Taken right out of the mouth of Trump himself. You are a part of the lying machine here just like the criminal liars in Orange fatass admin -
1000 people died and 20,000 hospitalized of swine flu before Obama declared emergency (it took SIX MONTHS TO REACH THIS LEVEL) and swine flu mortality rate was .02%. So you are spreading lies like the trump administration does daily. We don’t know the number of people with COVID-19 BECAUSE THE INEPT TRUMP/PENCE ADMIN HAS NO CLUE HIW TO SUPPLY TESTS. Just about every senator and House member is barraged with people in their constituency begging for test yet almost all of them have not been tested because the tests are nowhere to be found

No, you’re a lying loser!

Here's a photo of the losers.....
