Day is what you want to put into it. Mine is usually 7:30-4:30. Then 1-2 hrs after my kids go to bed to enter calls, do admin and plan my next day. Depending on what part of the country you're in and your experience starting salary is around 65-70K, bonuses for coming in right at goal every month is ~20K, but not being met by more than 20% of the sales force. Direct move from AM to RM has occured only once in company history. Promotions to Speciality or Corporate Accts is more likely but only ~15% of recent positions have been filled from existing employee promotions. RM is 2 or 3 steps beyond an AM and don't look to your current RM to help you move up within the company. They want you to hit your number so they look good and be promoted! They don't care what happens to you.
Is it getting better? Better for you than being unemployed, but your happiness and success is all contingent on your attitude, expectations and results! Good luck!