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Job Share


What stupid, insipid thing to be asking at a time when layoffs are rampant. Do everyone a favor and let someone else who is needing to work full time, have the income and employment. Job-sharing is a huge time consumer/distraction for mgrs, approvers, as well as teammates who all need to work with people who pull their weight. Btw, CP in OBC I believe once a jobsharer--how do mgrs and upper levels get to"share" those jobs??? WTF??

What stupid, insipid thing to be asking at a time when layoffs are rampant. Do everyone a favor and let someone else who is needing to work full time, have the income and employment. Job-sharing is a huge time consumer/distraction for mgrs, approvers, as well as teammates who all need to work with people who pull their weight. Btw, CP in OBC I believe once a jobsharer--how do mgrs and upper levels get to"share" those jobs??? WTF??

Full-time mommy's barely work!! Job-share is a freakin' JOKE!! Lilly gets what it deserves. Tide is changing though. Lilly used to care about working mother's but now it's all about diversity!! So time to get a real job working moms. Job-share is going to first on the chopping block anyway.

Full-time mommy's barely work!! Job-share is a freakin' JOKE!! Lilly gets what it deserves. Tide is changing though. Lilly used to care about working mother's but now it's all about diversity!! So time to get a real job working moms. Job-share is going to first on the chopping block anyway.

What are you talking about John, Dave, Derica, Enrique, Alex,Stan, they all job share !

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