Job Fair near Chicago

She changes the test every time. Most of the test relates to the script and specific parts of it. It won't be easy, there are trick questions and some questions on material not covered in training. Training is learning the script. There is no elevator speech, it's in the script, objection handling, because if you follow the script you will close 100% of the time.

If you have no medical experience you better show up prepared to pronounce the disease states correctly and recite the window speech without reading it. Volunteer early and often to role play, that will cast a good light on you. No side conversations or questions not related to the script. As my manager told me "fly under the radar, don't do anything to draw attention to yourself" At least 2 people were fired from my class the Monday after training that I know of."

I hope you know what you're getting yourself into.

role play??? are you serious???

A script? this is such shit! I have not heard of a script since the 90's . Where have these people been for the last 18 years? In a cave with no contact with the outside world. What happens if you dont know word for word? OR you paraphrase? How many days do you have to memoize this script?

you'd better learn as you hear it. vt will play games with you to see if you really know it. also, if you see vt on the phone sitting in back ..... she's watching everyone in training and taking notes. so incredible....

Fuck you! I have not heard anything, this is such BS !!! To think that they could make my holidays reeally good but , no word yet! Such assholes

to think they could have made your holidays?? who the hell are you? as much as I detest mdl...they and no other company "owe" you anything. you're pissed because a company you interviewed with didn't call you. maybe this is a blessing in disguise. ever think of that? everything happens for a reason. like, for example......maybe the reason you're interviewing is because of the piss-poor attitude you have towards life. the world is what you make it.

to think they could have made your holidays?? who the hell are you? as much as I detest mdl...they and no other company "owe" you anything. you're pissed because a company you interviewed with didn't call you. maybe this is a blessing in disguise. ever think of that? everything happens for a reason. like, for example......maybe the reason you're interviewing is because of the piss-poor attitude you have towards life. the world is what you make it.

No , fuck you , moron. Its not fair that they did not call

For all you new folks, know that vt reads all of this, so if you're stupid enough to basically identify yourself by location or territories, she'll figure it out and you'll never stand a chance. And for the person who is all bent out of shape b/c they didn't call you - trust me, you'll be very glad you are not working there. It's an awful company with low pay, no commissions and they will drive you insane with their antiquated systems and BS excuses why you didn't get your expense $.

For all you new folks, know that vt reads all of this, so if you're stupid enough to basically identify yourself by location or territories, she'll figure it out and you'll never stand a chance. And for the person who is all bent out of shape b/c they didn't call you - trust me, you'll be very glad you are not working there. It's an awful company with low pay, no commissions and they will drive you insane with their antiquated systems and BS excuses why you didn't get your expense $.

Not only does she read this, but she posts as happy and satisfied employees. Those posts are not hard to identify. They usually follow something like "stop complaining, practice your script and go out and sell and you will be rewarded! If you don't want to be here, then leave! We dont want you anyways." Pathetic she reduces her self to that but not surprising at all.....

For all you new folks, know that vt reads all of this, so if you're stupid enough to basically identify yourself by location or territories, she'll figure it out and you'll never stand a chance. And for the person who is all bent out of shape b/c they didn't call you - trust me, you'll be very glad you are not working there. It's an awful company with low pay, no commissions and they will drive you insane with their antiquated systems and BS excuses why you didn't get your expense $.

I appreciate the info, but i am still mad about having to come in after 5 pm for an interivew and then not hear anything back