
I used to work for Joann, she is so dumb and insecure. She is threatened if you are good at sales, and is nasty to all men with more than a high school degree.

The woman gots to go.

At some point, a person's education becomes irrelevant. Perhaps it's pertinent when interviewing for a position but in this case, you are talking about and really insulting someone who is tenured and knows every aspect of the business (both American Regent's and more globally) better than anyone. She does not miss when it comes to ideas and direction, has long-term vision and her ability to look at the business in a way that most others do not is exceptional. She is fast to grasp situations and come up with solutions that are creative and that usually leave people saying "makes sense, we should have thought of that". She is flat-out unflappable even in high pressure and negative situations and is spot on with guidance when faced with questions about the best way to handle something. She not only knows the inside business, she's excellent with customers and relationship building. She's organized and runs departments (now Comm Ops/Sales) the right way. And quite the opposite of what you are claiming-she is smart and respects and appreciates smart people-both men and women-period. She does not have appreciation for those who are NOT smart and/or lazy. Seems that's where your beef lies? You seem resentful and ....perhaps somehow threatened. Wow you really fell into the trope. You see that a female is in a leadership position so therefore she must be...what...unqualified (and you are digging down hard and mean to try to prove it to yourself and everyone else) and of course had to do "whatever" it took to get to where she is and to stay where she is?? She works her a** off and it seems she has done so every day she's been with Luitpold. She's gained and/or saved more business than most people could dream of. Seen her run circles around people who have all the degrees in the world and have yet to see anything be a hindrance. She deserves the position she is in. But wait. Oh, I see-it seems you are saying that a highly-degreed MAN is the better person for the job?? (And therefore he of course will just naturally will be smarter and better-suited). Wait-have I ever met you? An angry, self-proclaimed "smart" man with a chip the size of New York on his shoulder??

At some point, a person's education becomes irrelevant. Perhaps it's pertinent when interviewing for a position but in this case, you are talking about and really insulting someone who is tenured and knows every aspect of the business (both American Regent's and more globally) better than anyone. She does not miss when it comes to ideas and direction, has long-term vision and her ability to look at the business in a way that most others do not is exceptional. She is fast to grasp situations and come up with solutions that are creative and that usually leave people saying "makes sense, we should have thought of that". She is flat-out unflappable even in high pressure and negative situations and is spot on with guidance when faced with questions about the best way to handle something. She not only knows the inside business, she's excellent with customers and relationship building. She's organized and runs departments (now Comm Ops/Sales) the right way. And quite the opposite of what you are claiming-she is smart and respects and appreciates smart people-both men and women-period. She does not have appreciation for those who are NOT smart and/or lazy. Seems that's where your beef lies? You seem resentful and ....perhaps somehow threatened. Wow you really fell into the trope. You see that a female is in a leadership position so therefore she must be...what...unqualified (and you are digging down hard and mean to try to prove it to yourself and everyone else) and of course had to do "whatever" it took to get to where she is and to stay where she is?? She works her a** off and it seems she has done so every day she's been with Luitpold. She's gained and/or saved more business than most people could dream of. Seen her run circles around people who have all the degrees in the world and have yet to see anything be a hindrance. She deserves the position she is in. But wait. Oh, I see-it seems you are saying that a highly-degreed MAN is the better person for the job?? (And therefore he of course will just naturally will be smarter and better-suited). Wait-have I ever met you? An angry, self-proclaimed "smart" man with a chip the size of New York on his shoulder??

Okay Joann :rolleyes: keep believing in yourself. No one else will believe in a dumb high school drop out.

we all know that someone who is too dumb to go to college would not be running a team that only has smart college grads. It would not happen at any other company! That says it all really.


About 10 years ago, the CEO of Daiichi flew in from Japan to fire Mary Jane Helenek for putting a program together to pay physicians to recommend Luitpold products- a violation of the anti-kickback statues. Mary Jane headed into NYC thinking she was getting a new contract but she got fired and told that she had to be reported to the US Office of Inspector General. DSI security taped off her office and home office and were sent to Philly to fire the MD.

But MJH wasn't the person who came up with that program as it was the leftover of J.Beltrani and Joann Gioia. Beltrani was gone at the time because she was the scapegoat of the conspiracy to overthrow of Mary Jane led by Beltrani and Joann (during their late night wine get togethers) and Paul Delosa in manufacturing who knew Beltrani from a previous company. The plan was to push MJH out and install JB as her successor. But the games didn't stop there as it was Paul and Joann who undermined Hirscher to gain control of where they are today.

The question is how did KK and the CEO of Daiichi Sankyo and the HR director of American Regent overlook the role Joann played with this program that got MJH and the head of Medical fired on the spot?

Joann's career is inversely proportional to AR sales. The higher she goes, the lower sales go- it is what happens when you put an uneducated person into a big role. But even so- how does Corporate DSI and the compliance department allow someone who most likely played a large role in the pay for play scheme that cost MJH her tenure to continue on leading up commercial operations?

Joann sounds like a total crook but many years ago I worked at this total armpit of a company. MJH was a complete joke and worthless leader. She brought in the absolute worst product that I ever sold:Sprix. She couldn't even look us in the eye maybe because she knew what a dog Sprix was but probably because she was a idiot. She also hired some of the most incompetent RM's and DM's that I have ever been associated with and being in this industry for a long time is saying something!