Jerry Petraglia

Interesting thread so true PF would be taking out the trash if JS did not have him slated for Maryland... JS has been trying to get him back in the company full time ever since PF left the first time. Its like a love affair with these two, too bad JS is love struck and really has no clue that PF left because of him and the only reason he is willing to be there now is he senses JS is weak and vulnerable to be replaced in the not too distant future. Till then comical to watch three dinosaurs and Frank Perdue (aka Director of Marketing) maneuver for position.

Wow! Sounds like someone is bitter! For your information; Frank Perdue makes the meatiest, juiciest chicken I've ever had! Don't you dare spoil his good name by comparing him with the likes of that egg-headed, stuttering fool!

Bitter I am not been out of that place for about five years... but I do feel bad for the way I treated Frank P., so right... his chickens are delicious, and at least if you are going to look like a chicken... you better make the tastiest one around... Guess that is why the bald headed wonder feels like he should act like one.

If you've been out of here for five years why do you seem to care so much? You must be unemployed or at a job that gives so little satisfaction you'd rather be on Cafepharma when you should be working. Or, maybe you were fired from HNL and are mad b/c you obviously didn't fit in at a high-quality organization. Stop criticizing others and worry about yourself. Some people actually depend on their jobs to support their family; so go back to work and leave people alone.

I guess you are one of their high caliber individuals working there, since you have obviously taken offense. Suggestion... a little introspection would be good... seek counseling because you are obviously in denial. The only reason I care is there are still people I care about working for the company... and to your point they are decent hard working individuals and they realize that sales and marketing are deficient in so many ways. JS and RH seem to drive everyone one out worth anything with their preteen antics.

You on the other hand must really have drank the cool aid... or your power of perception must be diminished... in either event you obviously can not make it anywhere else, so hang in there HNL seems to like mediocrity.

Yeah, I was done with my day by 2PM - you see I actually WORK, so I am able to accomplish much more than you in a day. Before you woke up I already had a second coat of wax on PF's car, read RH "Marketing for Dummies", provided our IT Director a copy of "How to Win Friends and Influence People" and I still had time to rent a limo, buy champagne and pick up a high-level lab consultant who is going to make HNL the most prestigious clinical lab in the UNIVERSE! So there...LOSER!!!!!!!

In response to # 9... the only person who would come to the defense of cue ball in the front office is that overpaid and under worked mole who does nothing but walk around the lab and feed information to his mentor RH.

On Halloween everyone thought RH and EV came in a horse costume until EV took his head out of RH's but.

I think you people are crazy. Jerry is a great guy, and I like that he's not all about numbers and lets me do my job. I find his hands off approach very refreshing, he realizes that there is little we can do in a market like this.

Hmmmm... a Sales Manager who is "hands off" and "not about the numbers"? Wow, I bet JS is really happy with his to lead the charge! But, I guess the true measure of an effective Sales Manager is the numbers his team produces...oh, crap, I'm sorry...the sales team isn't producing anything. Oh well. Keep up the good work JP, seems like things are really starting to turn around. Hah! Once PF takes over you'll be the first to go.

PF is Peter Francis, a Jurassic-period lab consultant specializing in small labs that are bleeding revenue. He bills himself as a Rev. Jim Jones-like figure who gets paid huge dollars for his special Kool Aid. When his subjects drink his special brew, they actually believe they work for a high-quality lab that can compete with the likes of Quest and LabCorp. His newest commune of followers is on Lehigh Street in Allentown. You can see them in the afternoon wandering around the parking lot in a daze, searching out the warmth of the Sun like a bunch of hypnotized moles. It's funny stuff.