We're 2-3 wks away from reporting qtrly results to investors. Poor sales results by the U.S. surgical team might be the nail in Halvorson's coffin. If my shitty numbers are any indication, he should start plastering his resume everywhere imaginable
We're 2-3 wks away from reporting qtrly results to investors. Poor sales results by the U.S. surgical team might be the nail in Halvorson's coffin. If my shitty numbers are any indication, he should start plastering his resume everywhere imaginable
Is it even possible that another company could be fooled into hiring him? Maybe so, he rode the backs of the sales force while he eviscerated the company from the inside-out. The results on paper made him look like jack welch
Is it even possible that another company could be fooled into hiring him? Maybe so, he rode the backs of the sales force while he eviscerated the company from the inside-out. The results on paper made him look like jack welch
Trust me, a bald head is the only thing halvorson has in common with jack welch. He is the anti-jack welch. He lacks leadership capacity, charisma, and strategic vision
Trust me, a bald head is the only thing halvorson has in common with jack welch. He is the anti-jack welch. He lacks leadership capacity, charisma, and strategic vision
Support for your anti-welch statement:
"Effective people know when to stop assessing and make a tough call, even without total information. Little is worse than a manager who can’t cut bait." Jack Welch, Winning
Halvo can't make a tough call to save his life. 'RSDs, get me some more spreadsheets, asap!"