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January layoffs

Incorrect. The jobs are remote TO easr Hanover. the termination date is the end of January. Whoever is getting laid off already knows - 60 day notice, so calm down.
Not necessarily, the warn period only means they have to pay us for that amount of time before severance starts. I think we would have heard about another 200 people losing their jobs or knowing they are losing them.

As if not admitting the total number of respiratory employees would prevent you from facing the inevitable. Xolair and Xiidra are being sold. Accept it.

The inevitable?, lol.....you’re like the CNN of the CP comments page. Tell us you’re a clueless moron without telling us you’re a clueless moron.

Maybe this WARN notice is regarding the termination date of the oncology field reps? They were told back in September if they’d be kept and go through training for account based selling, or if they were being laid off. Those laid off are going to be paid out through the end of January, with the 27th being their termination date, after that date their severance begins- 2 weeks for every year worked.

Perhaps Novartis posted the WARN in November because they have to do that 60 days before the termination date according to NJ WARN law.

I have no clue how many oncology reps are expected to be cut though…

The inevitable?, lol.....you’re like the CNN of the CP comments page. Tell us you’re a clueless moron without telling us you’re a clueless moron.

Taking shots at CNN doesn't make you look particularly pithy or witty. I agree that person is a dick but your thinly-veiled political commentary does you no favors.

As if not admitting the total number of respiratory employees would prevent you from facing the inevitable. Xolair and Xiidra are being sold. Accept it.

For the last time, Xolair is not being sold, the reasons are too complex to explain to you in particular. But the most important is that it is still HIGHLY profitable to the bottom line and provides much needed added revenue to drive acquisitions, research, etc. But we should all just “accept it” according to you. People like you are actually too dumb and misinformed to respond to but I wanted to set the record straight for the grownups that might actually be reading this.

This is from an article Fierce Pharma put out yesterday—

The eliminated roles will touch "former Pharmaceuticals and Oncology divisions, certain functions of Global Drug Development, and certain business units that were part of Customer Technology Solutions,"


What does “former pharmaceuticals” mean?

Pharma and onc became a single unit as part of the restructure. That’s it. There’s nothing between the lines here.

This is from an article Fierce Pharma put out yesterday—

The eliminated roles will touch "former Pharmaceuticals and Oncology divisions, certain functions of Global Drug Development, and certain business units that were part of Customer Technology Solutions,"


What does “former pharmaceuticals” mean?

pharma and onc combined into a single unit as part of the reorg. The warn act trigger pertains to ppl who were part of pharma and onc when the two were distinct.

This is what I believe will happen. Layoffs will occur sometime this year. Immediately after we will announce the merger with GSK. This should scare the bejesus out of everyone. If you think things are bad here you haven't seen anything. GSK has one of the most toxic corporate cultures in the industry. As a former GSK employee I can tell you I'm worried. The level of micromanagement, metrics, and what have you done for me lately is the foundation of how they operate. Throw in deceit and distrust and that's GSK. Next time you run into a GSK rep ask them about leadership and their corporate culture. See if I'm lying.

This is what I believe will happen. Layoffs will occur sometime this year. Immediately after we will announce the merger with GSK. This should scare the bejesus out of everyone. If you think things are bad here you haven't seen anything. GSK has one of the most toxic corporate cultures in the industry. As a former GSK employee I can tell you I'm worried. The level of micromanagement, metrics, and what have you done for me lately is the foundation of how they operate. Throw in deceit and distrust and that's GSK. Next time you run into a GSK rep ask them about leadership and their corporate culture. See if I'm lying.

Novartis hypothetically would be acquiring GSK.....ALL GSK upper mgmt and most sales would be gone, they would have ZERO say in how anything in Novartis future would be run.....Are you a little thick or just desperate to be heard?

Novartis hypothetically would be acquiring GSK.....ALL GSK upper mgmt and most sales would be gone, they would have ZERO say in how anything in Novartis future would be run.....Are you a little thick or just desperate to be heard?

Above post is Correct: I sold for Parke-Davis and PD had Lipitor...and Pfizer Pfun co-promoted...and you guessed it...PFizer Pfun bought Parke-Davis in 2000. Pfizer Pjerks took over everything....

This is from an article Fierce Pharma put out yesterday—

The eliminated roles will touch "former Pharmaceuticals and Oncology divisions, certain functions of Global Drug Development, and certain business units that were part of Customer Technology Solutions,"


What does “former pharmaceuticals” mean?

New information by Vas? Novartis' CEO is charging ahead in cutting tens of thousands of workers to transform the $220 billion pharma giant