Janssen CNS contract

Silly! They are not making any contract offers. They are moving people from primary care to CNS. Janssen: we take care of our own first!

This is BS. I know multiple people that got contract offers. For those that didn't get offers you probably won't hear from anyone. I know, it sucks...but recruiters just don't take the time to reach out if you didn't get it. It's too much work I guess

Interviewed in Newark. Never heard anything until yesterday Oct. 31. Email stated that at this time IQVIA has decided to discontinue this search. Not sure if that is a nice way of saying I did not get the position or if they are not hiring for territory. Projected start date was 10/29, did anybody actually start?

I know someone who was inexperienced in CNS but has many years of pharma and is not young but was placed on the contract.
Reps over age 45 are now considered Diversity hires - it looks good to have few silver-hairs in your sales force for government reporting. In fact, white males over age 50 are now the true Diversity hires!

Reps over age 45 are now considered Diversity hires - it looks good to have few silver-hairs in your sales force for government reporting. In fact, white males over age 50 are now the true Diversity hires!

They will fit right in with Janssen Neuroscience. A lot of old, lazy overpaid reps and managers. I thought I was walking to an old folks home at a regional meeting.

WHY would they hire anyone without CNS experience???
Excellent reps with CNS experience, great sales numbers, letter of reference, awards, etc. were overlooked because of their age.