James Marchese

I read this blog after googling James Marchese and I completely disagree with the negative posters that are writing about him. He saved my life. He has done more for me and my family that has proven to me that there are wonderful people still out there in the world. If you still read this blog, thank you James, your heart is pure and I will never forget all the amazing things you have done for me. We truly love you.

Notice of Delisting or Failure to Satisfy a Continued Listing Rule or Stand

Item 3.01. Notice of Delisting or Failure to Satisfy a Continued Listing Rule or Standard; Transfer of Listing.
On September 5, 2008, Cell Therapeutics, Inc. (the "Company") received a letter from the Nasdaq Stock Market ("Nasdaq") notifying the Company that it is not in compliance with the minimum $50,000,000 requirement for continued inclusion under Nasdaq Marketplace Rule 4450(b)(1)(A), as a result of the Company's market value of listed securities being below $50,000,000 for the 10 days preceding the date of the letter.

If the Company does not regain compliance by October 6, 2008, Nasdaq will notify the Company that its securities will be delisted!!!

I guess Marchese really got them, he made them sell off Trisenox and the sales force, got them a 10.6 million dollar fine and helped LASH kick their asses in a lawsuit. Now, he gets to sit back and watch the company get delisted...Bankruptcy is next.

that has to be one of his ex's again. why else would this little faggot go out of her way to convince that it is not one of them. white trash with an IQ of a 4 year old. dumb as fuckin nails.

Please stop writing about Mrs. M or anything about her personal life (including their business). It is inappropriate. I understand that you think she is writing every derogatory post about the exs, but you are wrong. She is way to too classy to do that. Even if there is a small chance that it is not her makes writing about her completely wrong. She is such a wonderful person, so don't even pretend to know her.