J&J pension ending in December 2025

I started with J&J in the mid 90's and it was a solid company. Sure, some lousy CEO's (think Weldon) but some that were decent (Gorsky at the beginning of his term). The latter transitioned to the most horrendous one yet (Duato). A poor transition to him added by a really lousy spin off of the Consumer business. Now a lousy CEO is running that business (Kenvue). J&J needs an activist investor to shake up their Board and get the company back to innovation. Current money grabbing robinhood mentality with Lawyers chasing dollars for lawsuits isnt helping. Maybe a new President will cure this recent trend of giving hand outs.
This summary is 100% on point! The Duato experiment needs to end. The Aldo experiment needs to end. MedTech currently is a f'ing disaster. Sure once talc lawsuit is resolved, stock may see a small uptick. More long term, the stock is going nowhere. If anything it's trending down. Wall Street will not stay patient much longer.

This summary is 100% on point! The Duato experiment needs to end. The Aldo experiment needs to end. MedTech currently is a f'ing disaster. Sure once talc lawsuit is resolved, stock may see a small uptick. More long term, the stock is going nowhere. If anything it's trending down. Wall Street will not stay patient much longer.
100% Accurate! Duato is a Stop Gap. The experiment needs to end. Someone please get us on track.

I'll be here 29 years in November. I'm confused about the pension structure and can't seem to get a straight answer from anything I'm reading that J&J put out. I was planning to work until I'm 65. That will be after the new pension kicks in. If I choose not to retire when the new pension kicks in, will my current pension value be frozen and the 15% only apply to the years of work beginning in 2026 or will the 15% be used to calculate my pension for all 29+ years I worked?

I'll be here 29 years in November. I'm confused about the pension structure and can't seem to get a straight answer from anything I'm reading that J&J put out. I was planning to work until I'm 65. That will be after the new pension kicks in. If I choose not to retire when the new pension kicks in, will my current pension value be frozen and the 15% only apply to the years of work beginning in 2026 or will the 15% be used to calculate my pension for all 29+ years I worked?
On Dec 31, 2025, your current pension will freeze and the 15% fake pension will apply for all service starting Jan 1, 2026.