J&J pension ending in December 2025


Do you all foresee hundreds of employees retiring or resigning after December 2025? What is the point of staying in J&J without pension? is that why they are hiring thousands of young people who don’t care about benefits and are not expected to be loyal ?


The current program is going away (cost savings) but the new pension system, although less valuable, will kick in January 2026. Some eligible people will obviously retire before April 2026, but not all eligible people.

The current program is going away (cost savings) but the new pension system, although less valuable, will kick in January 2026. Some eligible people will obviously retire before April 2026, but not all eligible people.

This is news to me. Where can find more details about this new pension plan? I don’t see it in FYB (for your benefits).

Do you all foresee hundreds of employees retiring or resigning after December 2025? What is the point of staying in J&J without pension? is that why they are hiring thousands of young people who don’t care about benefits and are not expected to be loyal ?

Um, there Will be a pension plan after Dec. 31, 2025 - just different.

Well, the new pension is going to be significantly worse compared to the one which is administered today to those hired prior to 2015. For instance , if you are working in J&J for let’s say 25-30 years with an average salary of 150k a year plus 30k bonus, your pension, based on the highest average salary and years of service would be about 80-90k a year. Now, let’s say you are hired now and you start with the salary of 80k a year and 10k bonus . Then 15% of 90k is about 13.5k . In about 25-30 years if you are lucky to stay in J&J for so long , you will earn 170k and 30k bonus , so 15% of 200k will be 30k. So your pension under the new formula if you choose annuities will be about 20k a year. Compare : 80-90k a year vs 20k. I am lucky that by 2026 I will have already 25 years of service under the old formula. But for new hires - I do not see the reason to be loyal to this company. This new pension is a spit in the face. You can find a higher salary outside and invest this difference. J&J is no longer a symbol of stability and long term planning. And they know it and that is why they are phasing out the old good benefits and they want to phase out the good old guard and replace us with the whores of the gig economy. No loyalty , just jump from job to job every 3 years. New J&J.

Agree completely. The new pension no longer incentivizes people to stay long-term. At this point, J&J is no different than many other large manufacturers. To think otherwise is naive. The focus now is focused solely on Wall Street/shareholder value.

Agree completely. The new pension no longer incentivizes people to stay long-term. At this point, J&J is no different than many other large manufacturers. To think otherwise is naive. The focus now is focused solely on Wall Street/shareholder value.

Yep. That’s why in 2025 thousands of older employees who have been working for 25 plus years will leave. 2025 will be the end of golden generation of professionals in J&J. I am so lucky to be having 22 years under my belt with old pension. I envy people who are retiring now with 30 plus years of service.

Yep. That’s why in 2025 thousands of older employees who have been working for 25 plus years will leave. 2025 will be the end of golden generation of professionals in J&J. I am so lucky to be having 22 years under my belt with old pension. I envy people who are retiring now with 30 plus years of service.

I joined J&J this year. What is exactly changing with the new pension system in 2025? Will pension be cut by 25 to 50% I don’t see any info on FYB. Where can I find benefit changes?

I joined J&J this year. What is exactly changing with the new pension system in 2025? Will pension be cut by 25 to 50% I don’t see any info on FYB. Where can I find benefit changes?
Nothing will be changing for you, it's for employees hired before 2015 who have been earning pension benefits under the older plan. In 2025 they will be migrated to the plan all new hires are given currently.

I joined J&J this year. What is exactly changing with the new pension system in 2025? Will pension be cut by 25 to 50% I don’t see any info on FYB. Where can I find benefit changes?

Since you had joined this year, nothing is changing for you, you are already on the miserable 15% pension benefit that was instituted for all new hires who are hired from 2015 and on.

It is us, who have been here for 15,20, 25,30 years that the rules will be changing on January 1, 2026.
Essentially, they are killing off the benefit that kept people here for decades.
You are both lucky and unlucky that you joined here.
Unlucky- you will never get to experience the real generous old school pension that gives you a golden parachute and sails you into the sunset.
Lucky- you do not get to experience the loss of a great benefit when you are 20-25 years into the service under the old formula.

Well, at least we have many years under the old pension plan.
I expect many old school employees heading to the exit door fall of 2025. In fact, I expect a mass exodus.
For those of us who have 20-25 years under the belt with an old pension and still need 5-15 years of service with the company, increase your 401k contributions by 2-3% each year of your service under the new pension plan to compensate for the loss of the old pension plan.

J&J has become just another corporate behemoth with no interest to employee loyalty, stability and talent retention. Young people who come here as slaves/ gig economy job hoppers have no idea what they missed and what could they have, had they come here 25-30 years ago.

I joined J&J this year. What is exactly changing with the new pension system in 2025? Will pension be cut by 25 to 50% I don’t see any info on FYB. Where can I find benefit changes?

Nothing is going to change for you. You came here this year and have been already in the miserable pension plan of 15 %. It is us, old timers , who have been here 15-30 years have to lose out good old pension plan on January 1, 2026. The good old pension plan that used to give employees a golden parachute and sail us into the sunset .

You are both lucky and unlucky.

Unlucky - you will never know what it feels like to retire with 100k a year pension plan.
Lucky - you will not have to experience the pain and aggravation of losing a great benefit that kept you here for 25 years.

My suggestion to the old timers who are planning on staying for 5-10-15 more years - increase your 401k contribution by 1-2 % each year to compensate.

Remember this. Fall of 25- massive exodus of old school J&J professionals. In thousands.
Young gig economy job hoppers who are being hired now do not even suspect what they missed.

J&J is becoming just another pharma company. No loyalty is expected.

I started with J&J in the mid 90's and it was a solid company. Sure, some lousy CEO's (think Weldon) but some that were decent (Gorsky at the beginning of his term). The latter transitioned to the most horrendous one yet (Duato). A poor transition to him added by a really lousy spin off of the Consumer business. Now a lousy CEO is running that business (Kenvue). J&J needs an activist investor to shake up their Board and get the company back to innovation. Current money grabbing robinhood mentality with Lawyers chasing dollars for lawsuits isnt helping. Maybe a new President will cure this recent trend of giving hand outs.