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J&J CREDO died September 29-30


This date in history, the 100+ year old J&J forever changed its course in history. Joining the rank and file of all other corporate giants where each person becomes just a number. Wiping out half their CVM force w/o merit or metric based performance, those who got cut & those who survived were random lottery draws. Gone are the days when J&J protected their own and offered above industry standard options in difficult times. When the CREDO called for above industry standards to provide safe harbor during layoffs right before the Holidays, J&J ignored their long heritage and dropped the axe with equal or less than the industry standard of a couple weeks per year pay. The once revered CREDO would have protected their own workforce through the holidays to Jan 1st before severence. NOT in 2022. CREDO is no more. Now it's hostage to the 1% trans, gays, & ethnic falsehoods forced upon the rest of the 99%. RIP CREDO


I was with you until the last couple of stupid sentences. Have many diverse friends colleagues who got laid off, so your victim narrative is based on the wrong premise. The fact is the leadership in the CVM organization is not good and not experienced enough. They have left behind a group of people who are not sure they even want to be there any longer, but it won’t matter because the leadership will leave the mess behind within 18 months. Very uncool and yes, all my friends at this company kept saying J&J always does the right thing. They were shocked yesterday. Not me. Look at what this shitty company does to dying cancer patients who have cases -push all the cases into a separate company and then claim bankruptcy. Yick

We all wake up at different times. To everyone bragging what a fine company you used to work for, you were wrong, but it’s okay. You weren’t alone in the coordinated brainwashing they conduct.

Laughable. The Credo died last week because you were finally impacted. For those of us who have seen the shitty management decisions over the past few years, have been displaced, know people that were or just those of us who have been paying attention, the Credo died a long time ago. OR, it was never anything more than a cheesy mission statement to motivate the workers and give comfort to investors. If, even after this, there are folks still thinking J&J is anything but a for profit company that will make decisions based on a consultants spreadsheet rather than their employees best interests you are fools. And the bigoted last few sentences really speak to who you are. You are an asshole, and now a soon to be unemployed asshole. Good luck with that.
This date in history, the 100+ year old J&J forever changed its course in history. Joining the rank and file of all other corporate giants where each person becomes just a number. Wiping out half their CVM force w/o merit or metric based performance, those who got cut & those who survived were random lottery draws. Gone are the days when J&J protected their own and offered above industry standard options in difficult times. When the CREDO called for above industry standards to provide safe harbor during layoffs right before the Holidays, J&J ignored their long heritage and dropped the axe with equal or less than the industry standard of a couple weeks per year pay. The once revered CREDO would have protected their own workforce through the holidays to Jan 1st before severence. NOT in 2022. CREDO is no more. Now it's hostage to the 1% trans, gays, & ethnic falsehoods forced upon the rest of the 99%. RIP CREDO

This date in history, the 100+ year old J&J forever changed its course in history. Joining the rank and file of all other corporate giants where each person becomes just a number. Wiping out half their CVM force w/o merit or metric based performance, those who got cut & those who survived were random lottery draws. Gone are the days when J&J protected their own and offered above industry standard options in difficult times. When the CREDO called for above industry standards to provide safe harbor during layoffs right before the Holidays, J&J ignored their long heritage and dropped the axe with equal or less than the industry standard of a couple weeks per year pay. The once revered CREDO would have protected their own workforce through the holidays to Jan 1st before severence. NOT in 2022. CREDO is no more. Now it's hostage to the 1% trans, gays, & ethnic falsehoods forced upon the rest of the 99%. RIP CREDO

the credo died years ago, try 10-12 years ago

True, but any efforts to resuscitate just flat lined. My buddy in ER told me he called it. T.O.D. 12:00PM Sept 29th. Thank

I guess getting sued for opioids and baby powder and spinning off your consumer division finally ripped the guts out of a once amazing company. Lasted longer than most.

Before everyone gets all up in their self righteousness…yes…I am a baby boomer! Oh! the Horror or it all. But this string is correct. J&J lost it’s soul 10-12 years ago, and it truly is heartbreaking. You can blame it on “my generation of sexist, racist, homophobic” blah blah blah…but shit actually went sideways about 10-12 years ago when the MBA ENTITLED MOTHER FUCKERS. Somehow got into positions of power. Fuck the Credo…nobody lives it except “these old ass idiots”. Oh, the delusion of brilliance from the trophy generation. Well…look where that has led. Whether or not you want to understand it or not…the CVM has, maybe,a year left. If that. There IS NO PIPELINE. Hello? The only people left in leadership are people who know fuck all about anything. This was once a great company. I know this because I was there. I lived it. So spare me your juvenile high school bullshit, you infant. It’s YOUR generation, in all the vile arrogance, that has killed a once happy, profitable, amazing place to work. I never thought I would say it, but I am ASHAMED of what J&J has become. I am thankful that i am in the position to exit. I mean this with all my heart…I truly wish the best for you all and your family. Get out while you can, the is not the future. If you wait until everyone is let go, there won’t won’t be a place to go.

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