J&J Contract Dead?

This contract is over...fuck both of these companies for leading me on like a stuck up prom date not giving up the poohn tang on prom night, now all i got is blue balls...i will get the last laugh.

You are more than welcome to look at and touch my poohn tang. Don't want to see any blue balls unless absolutely necessary. BTW, would you be kind enough to show me your honker? Heard it's HUGE!

Misty Knight

You are more than welcome to look at and touch my poohn tang. Don't want to see any blue balls unless absolutely necessary. BTW, would you be kind enough to show me your honker? Heard it's HUGE!

Misty Knight

STFU forever please. You're stupid, definitely not funny and responding to your own stupid posts is desperate and pathetic.

Appears that those of you who complain, whine and think the world owes you something- shouldn't be in a business career. Grow up. Get a job in another industry because you don't belong here.

Appears that those of you who complain, whine and think the world owes you something- shouldn't be in a business career. Grow up. Get a job in another industry because you don't belong here.[/

U R a F...in moron. I have had a very successful career in this industry for 12 years. NO I am not old ... under 40. Being dicked around by these companies lately is ridiculous. We just want the money we are out of our own personal unemployed pockets. That is all. Don't be a jerk. If you are employed, I am happy for you. If you get laid off soon, this is the environment we are in. Don't be a hater.

Appears that those of you who complain, whine and think the world owes you something- shouldn't be in a business career. Grow up. Get a job in another industry because you don't belong here.[/

U R a F...in moron. I have had a very successful career in this industry for 12 years. NO I am not old ... under 40. Being dicked around by these companies lately is ridiculous. We just want the money we are out of our own personal unemployed pockets. That is all. Don't be a jerk. If you are employed, I am happy for you. If you get laid off soon, this is the environment we are in. Don't be a hater.

What part of the country are you in?

"Pink Sheet" is synonymous for those flaps/folds of skin, i.e. labia, which are part of the female anatomy. Didn't you read your 8th grade science book? Now lets hop to and begin to update your anatomical knowledge. Pronto.