Ive never heard of a company that does this before


Since when does a company recruiter hold all the cards and decisions on base pay ?

This Yvonne lady tells me, I live in big city that's expensive.
Base pay is 145K no matter how many years experience or where you live.

I said so there is absolutely no flexibility? So your company wouldn't pay 147K if I was interested to move forward.

She said NO

She said this is great because everybody has the same base pay LOL

Only in Liberal California can this fucked up thinking be though of as "great"

I'll keep my job making 170K -- thanks but no thanks

What a loser company

This is not the case on base salary and I can speak from experience. YG was the last person I spoke with and she did not determine my salary. Maybe things have changed for 2020, but when I was offered the job and accepted I negotiated my salary with recruiter.

This is not the case on base salary and I can speak from experience. YG was the last person I spoke with and she did not determine my salary. Maybe things have changed for 2020, but when I was offered the job and accepted I negotiated my salary with recruiter.

I guess they changed for this new product launch. stange.

I guess they changed for this new product launch. stange.

I believe they did the same thing for the last launch, then corrected later. That’s what they told me at least. Not sure why they would do it again. There’s a lot to like about the company but in Rare Disease money needs to be competitive.

Make sure you get every penny you want. You are overworked like crazy, there is zero work-life balance and sheer chaos. Every VP micromanages like you would not believe. To get through the day, at least the money needs to be good for the blood they suck out of you.