I've got the "Olive Garden" blues...

Actually, I thought it was funny. Really shows how the prestige of the pharma rep has shrunk. Docs don't respect us and look at us as a free meal. Watching the hogs eat is pretty funny. Ever watch the hogs split up the leftovers to feed dinner to their families? Also I laugh to think how many offices want olive garden. I think the food there is awful.

Could not be a more accurate comment. Kind of like working for La Cosa Nostra in the 60s, 70s, 80s and even the 90s. It was good in it's day for "all" involved; but that ship has sailed. You have to go where they are really raping the American public - biologics and orphan drugs. That's where the real steal is in. Those of you that can "sell it" and don't care about ethical pricing, leave this shit hole, small molecule dinosaur during a pandemic. Perfect time to prove your worth.

Could not be a more accurate comment. Kind of like working for La Cosa Nostra in the 60s, 70s, 80s and even the 90s. It was good in it's day for "all" involved; but that ship has sailed. You have to go where they are really raping the American public - biologics and orphan drugs. That's where the real steal is in. Those of you that can "sell it" and don't care about ethical pricing, leave this shit hole, small molecule dinosaur during a pandemic. Perfect time to prove your worth.

Agree, no one is leaving here.

Hi I'm Charlie the new AZ man...
I want to see the Doc...if I can.
Sure you will no problem at all!
You get ten seconds right here in the hall!
He'll sign for samples right in your book.
However there is just one little hook!

Lunch for twenty you need to bring.
No Panera or Olive Garden do we sing.
No diet coke or sprite do we drink
So Mr. Rep what do you think?
I'll be there at one...
We'll have so much fun.
I'll even bring some cake.
I'll clean up the mess you all shall make!
Cause I'm the AZ pro!
You'll all love to know.
I'll have on my scrubs you wait and see
I cater a lunch...the best that can be!!!!!!!

Like poem #2,

Was sauntering to proud
In my scrubs, strutting loud
When a patient said hey
And I looked back in quick dismay.

She had seen my sample bag
My iPad, my way & discreet pro tag
What can I do for you my dear?
She said nothing, I just heard your rear.

Up to the window with glee
I schmoozed and oozed sincerity
Got flipped up side on my ear
Got no doctors with time round here!

But food we do adore
Are you really a well-ta-do whore?
No, course not, I said in a blink
What the hell do I do, she must think.

Can't even get to spill beans
Package insert emesis routines
With the MA I label as doc
Yet this lie is nothing to knock

Back pedal in smooth, rehearsed style
Clinch my cheeks to not break wind & smile
As the game is the game is the game
AZ DC's my lame nick name.

Was sauntering to proud
In my scrubs, strutting loud
When a patient said hey
And I looked back in quick dismay.

She had seen my sample bag
My iPad, my way & discreet pro tag
What can I do for you my dear?
She said nothing, I just heard your rear.

Up to the window with glee
I schmoozed and oozed sincerity
Got flipped up side on my ear
Got no doctors with time round here!

But food we do adore
Are you really a well-ta-do whore?
No, course not, I said in a blink
What the hell do I do, she must think.

Can't even get to spill beans
Package insert emesis routines
With the MA I label as doc
Yet this lie is nothing to knock

Back pedal in smooth, rehearsed style
Clinch my cheeks to not break wind & smile
As the game is the game is the game
AZ DC's my lame nick name.

AZ poet here...A noble effort! Congratulations.

However I offer this advice....

You should have imparted

the passing of wind you have farted!

AZ poet here...A noble effort! Congratulations.

However I offer this advice....

You should have imparted

the passing of wind you have farted!

Here is my contribution to the AZ poet's rhymes


Old Doc Nickel was a GP.,.

He said "yes" he would see me!

It will cost you a a lunch..

For my merry bunch.

Be aware we do not want pizza pie..

We eat it again we surely will die!

Olive Garden for us all...

Go get it at the mall.

Platters of pasta....meatballs too...

Bread sticks and salad all for you!

The hogs came along...

Singing their song.

Taking their seat...

Boy could they eat!

Old Doc Nickel watched in glee...

his staff of hogs eating for free!

Come back again dear AZ man...

And make your call as quick as you can!

You have no sense of humor and you take yourself way too seriously.
Here is my contribution.


I got a call about a quarter to three,

Tomorrow, my boy you will work with me!

I showed up exactly at eight.

Never want to be a second late.

Sitting in the diner looking over my day,

hoping the plan would go my way!

He comes barging in "sorry I'm late!"

Hope you didn't have to wait.

So I made four calls...he sat in the car for three.

Hoping I could get another doctor to see.

About a quarter to one.....

He said he had to run.

Take me back to my car.

It's not very far.

I have an important thing to do.

It's been so much fun working with you!!

What a bunch of whiney little pussies we aren't sociopaths we're allowed to be professionals AND find the humor in running around like caterers trying to bribe scripts out of docs with food jesus h christ

Here is my contribution to the AZ poet's rhymes


Old Doc Nickel was a GP.,.

He said "yes" he would see me!

It will cost you a a lunch..

For my merry bunch.

Be aware we do not want pizza pie..

We eat it again we surely will die!

Olive Garden for us all...

Go get it at the mall.

Platters of pasta....meatballs too...

Bread sticks and salad all for you!

The hogs came along...

Singing their song.

Taking their seat...

Boy could they eat!

Old Doc Nickel watched in glee...

his staff of hogs eating for free!

Come back again dear AZ man...

And make your call as quick as you can!

Calling our customers hogs and making fun of state university and communication majors is not my kind of humor. This person should grow up and use their time elsewhere.

Calling our customers hogs and making fun of state university and communication majors is not my kind of humor. This person should grow up and use their time elsewhere.
Then don't read the thread...simple as that! Perhaps you also went to State U/are a hog and it's hitting a little close to home???


I went to Ole Miss down Mississippi way...
not to study but surely to play!
The beer was cold the coeds were fun..
the time of my life down in the sun.
Four years have passed got my degree.
Graduated with an amazing 2.3!
Majored in History that was for me.
Now it's over what shall I be?
Not a doc nor a lawyer or a CPA...
$100,000 in loans how will I pay?
Woke up one night...devil next to my bed.
He smiled at me this is what he said.
I got a deal for you...a job that will pay!
You listen to me and do what I say.
AZ is hiring you will be a detail man!
Pay off your loans as quick as you can.
The work's a breeze.
You will do it with ease!
Work 30 years bullshitting every day.
It's a job but will take your soul away!


I started medical school fall of 93...
what specialty shall I be?
A Ped or a Pulm or a Cardiologist too...
what in the world shall I do?
I like it all I'll be a GP....
That's the only thing I want to be!
27 years since medical school...
Over diseases I shall rule!
Here comes a rep from AZ...
What in the world will he tell me?
I've heard this story 47 ways....
I'm not listening to a word he says.
"Where do I sign?" I hope he will go!
"Listen to me Doc...I'm in the know!"
"Three weeks of training makes me a star...
the way you practice you won't get very far."
"My drugs the best...
It's stood the test.
What you do is wrong it has no place!
The way you practice it's a disgrace!"
I told him there is the door!
Don't come back here ANYMORE!!!

I know this guy. He got laid off years ago in a downsizing, and can’t get back in. Now he makes less than 1/2 what he used to and gets on here making fun of all the folks making way more dough than him. He’s got the “poor man blues”