It's time field sales gets iPad, not ICue


Now that training has seen the value, when will sales ops? No one wants to lug around a 7lb. weight, docs don't want to look at.

Give me a field sales tool I will actually use! It will give Pfizer some customer/sales swag, again.


How about you get rid of all that crap and just make an in person sales presentation? What doctor is going to take his valuable time to watch your useless commercials?

Because no one sells dinosaurs, donkeys and camels here. Times have changed, keep up with the times.

The point is, shit4brains, that you are not capable of selling anything. You want some pre-programed device to do it for you because you are incapable of developing your own presentation. And management is willing to spend millions on the device because they know what an idiot you really are.

Why dont we bring back the things that brough value t our visit. Like, pens,paper,table paper, ect... Now it is just another expense that the office has to deal with out of their pocket. I know that I didn't get a raise in pay when they took these tools away from us. Yes, sometimes if not most of the time it was crap that we were giving out. It did help to get us infront of the customer by giving the nurse a stuffed animal or somethng of that sort. Companies have saved millions in not providing us the tools to do our job more effectively. It is like we are digging a hole with a shovel and upper management said, "Here, I want you to use this spoon instead." The money saved on giving us the tools to help get the job done has gone straight to the top and into their pockets. I consistantly hear of this CEO made 12 million this year and that CEO made 10. What about all the lifes they have destroyed by taking away a persons ability to make a living. 2 quotes from the movie Wall Street 1 & 2 come to mind. In Wall Street, Bud Fox asks "How much is enough?" Yes this is also asked in the sequal and the anwser there was "more". In Wall 2 Gecko said " Greed is good, now I guess it's legal." Well, I guess you have to make all that money at the top so you can sleep well at nite with your security systems and things to block out the outside world. At the start of the day we all put on our pants the same way, What makes you think you are any better than me? Chances are you just sold yourself out in chasing that almight dollar. Sleep well CEO's your day is coming. Maybe not today or even tommorow. It's not what you have but what you leave behind.

I like the ipad so I can stream my favorite porn while i rub my clit and soak the doctor"s office chairs. My throws of ecstacy reduce me to a puddle of quivering pussy juices.

Why dont we bring back the things that brough value t our visit. Like, pens,paper,table paper, ect... Now it is just another expense that the office has to deal with out of their pocket. I know that I didn't get a raise in pay when they took these tools away from us. Yes, sometimes if not most of the time it was crap that we were giving out. It did help to get us infront of the customer by giving the nurse a stuffed animal or somethng of that sort. Companies have saved millions in not providing us the tools to do our job more effectively. It is like we are digging a hole with a shovel and upper management said, "Here, I want you to use this spoon instead." The money saved on giving us the tools to help get the job done has gone straight to the top and into their pockets. I consistantly hear of this CEO made 12 million this year and that CEO made 10. What about all the lifes they have destroyed by taking away a persons ability to make a living. 2 quotes from the movie Wall Street 1 & 2 come to mind. In Wall Street, Bud Fox asks "How much is enough?" Yes this is also asked in the sequal and the anwser there was "more". In Wall 2 Gecko said " Greed is good, now I guess it's legal." Well, I guess you have to make all that money at the top so you can sleep well at nite with your security systems and things to block out the outside world. At the start of the day we all put on our pants the same way, What makes you think you are any better than me? Chances are you just sold yourself out in chasing that almight dollar. Sleep well CEO's your day is coming. Maybe not today or even tommorow. It's not what you have but what you leave behind.

I miss the days of influencing with strippers, golf outings, sports bars and major league suites. That worked like a charm.

Pads / Pens!!! hoarded them for this Nuclear Winter season in pharma sales...

Oh I've got boxes from every company (half of them no longer around, merged, bought..)

You should see the window witch eyes light up when I pull a few better than a dozen hot Krispy Kreme d'nuts and a diet coke for her.

I hand the doc a classic product scratch pad...he sees old product name and all of a sudden it's like trading old baseball cards..great discussions about class history , good old days etc..promise on next visit to bring in the old promo items (flashlight, bottle opener, paper weight,, clocks! omg they kill for those cheap old clocks)

Yeah , keep those Ipads coming..

Vocs I love your posts on this thread. As for pads and pencils, the big miss is the fact that they were great reminders for our products. Now there is nothing. Wilbanks and the other twits who signed off on that part of the pharma guidelines were true idiots as were the beancounters who probably wet their pants at the cost savings. Problem is, the bottom line savings is killing the top line growth. Hmmmm which most important to a shareholder and long term prosperity of a company.

And before some nimrod rips about pens and pads not causing our downfall, no shit, but it definitely hurt is the point, one in a line of terrible decisions.