Overall this sucks for everyone in all of the Global Surgery Group - I get that from a business standpoint things need to be different, but it is hard on everyone knowing changes are coming but no solid communication except stress and speculation.
A LOT of people have already moved on and if they have not are looking to move on, but so far still no communication just speculation, and the digi voicemails that come from G@b& saying how awesome we are doing and thanking us for all our hard work.
Products are not "WOW"ing customers anymore, if truth be known and it is - the opposite is true...
Think of yourself as the CEO - what would you do to fix things.... on paper to get expenses down and have more money coming in usually equals layoffs and consolidation. If you are making $10 billion in sales with a company of 500 employees, how much money will you make if sales stay close to the same (assuming no growth over last year) but you now have 300 employees - on paper it looks a lot better.
Sad but true, Global Surgery Group really means profit coming from outside of the US and a downsized US workforce.