It's So Over

Does anyone know if we are definitely getting notified on Tuesday about who is kept and who is laid off?

Unless youve been living under rock for the last week or just got back from a vacation in Afganistan, YES tomorrow You will know your fate. If you are Ista you have a 80-85% chance of NOT keeping your job.

Wow. I was under the impression that B&L requeried at minimum a college degree. But reading these post it appears they let a few slip through the gate. Ista just received confirmation that we will be told our "fate" tomorrow. Just in case your wondering calling people names because you think you "know it all" makes you look a JACK ASS

Im not writing an essay. I love your exaggeration though "full" of spelling errors. I do see ONE misspelled word and I thank you for your awesome spell check abilities. I was honestly referring to the inability to speak to people without slandering them. It's a know fact that people that speak so negatively and freely love to "name call" have extremely LOW self esteem an are very insecure. I'm just feeling sorry for you that's all.