It's official AZ to buy Lilly

You guys are idiots. Do the math...Lilly's market cap is $45billion and Astrzeneca is $58billion. For Lilly's board to even consider a sale after being around for over 130 years they would want at least a 30% premium making a sale of $58billion which is what Astrazeneca is worth, meaning ASTRAZENECA CANNOT AFFORD TO BY LILLY. Take an economics or better yet a simple math course and know what you are talking about before posting such absurd things on Cafe Pharma IDIOT....

You are in No Position to call anyone an idiot when you cannot even spell the word BUY. 3 letters. It's not like spelling a word like otorhinolarygology. It's buy!!!!! 3 letters. You are the one in need to take Remedial English!!!

Partners AstraZeneca and Targacept confirmed that they won’t be filing for regulatory approval of the latter’s major depressive disorder (MDD) candidate TC-5214, given that the last two of four Phase III studies evaluating the drug failed to meet their primary endpoints. TC-5214 was in development as an adjunct to antidepressant therapy for MDD patients who didn’t respond adequately to SSRI or SNRI inhibitors.

Another complete pipeline failure.. How many in a row until someone top level gets fired? At this point, our board of directors is guiding this company down the toilet. All they seem to concern themselves about is the continued 4-5 billion a year stock buy back to artificially inflate the stock, and the dividend increase to put money back in their own pockets...

Partners AstraZeneca and Targacept confirmed that they won’t be filing for regulatory approval of the latter’s major depressive disorder (MDD) candidate TC-5214, given that the last two of four Phase III studies evaluating the drug failed to meet their primary endpoints. TC-5214 was in development as an adjunct to antidepressant therapy for MDD patients who didn’t respond adequately to SSRI or SNRI inhibitors.

Another complete pipeline failure.. How many in a row until someone top level gets fired? At this point, our board of directors is guiding this company down the toilet. All they seem to concern themselves about is the continued 4-5 billion a year stock buy back to artificially inflate the stock, and the dividend increase to put money back in their own pockets...
Targacept= #1 loser in stock valuation this week. Nice to be associated with a winner again. Everything AZ touches turns to shit.