How about in 2010 and 11 and 12, at national sales meetings having people give lectures on only hiring PSR's that work in cardiology and that have access and can go through charts and identify patients that meet criteria for the lifevest. And all the strategies that were put in place to identify and hire these people. Yeah that's not a conflict of interest. Sure!. OIG, subpoena all emails all the way back through 2010 and you'll find more than you need, that is if upper leadership didn't bleach and get rid of everything in the system at this point now. How about regional sales managers telling their sales reps to tell doctors to change the ejection fraction to under 35% on the echocardiogram so the patients meet criteria for the lifevest? My God the list goes on and on I mean there are hundreds of things that could be listed that the OIG could find proof on. How about sales reps fitting patients with the lifevest even know they knew insurance wasn't going to cover it just so they could hit their revenue goal to hit bonus and the patient gets nailed with a huge bill with no coverage because the territory manager PSR and everyone else all lied to the patient. I mean where do we even began, there are so many things that are absolutely morally wrong of how this company conducts themselves that I could sit here and type for three hours...