It's about time the dept ( OIG) investigates this fraudulent company


This company for 7 to 8 years has been doing the most fraudulent scamming lying deceitful business practices ever imaginable. I can't believe how long it took the OIG to become aware of it. honestly shame on the department of investigations for taking so long when they were so many whistleblowers going to them about issues. Not only whistleblowers but prescribing physicians with major concerns and the list goes on and on and they just ignored it.This company will be shut down within the next year when they find out all of the completely immoral, absolutely against the law business practices they conduct and actually promote the employees to do. I can list 20 things that are completely against the law and extremely shady and immoral but I don't even need to list them because you all know them. I'm just thankful that it's finally getting put on the front burner and exposed at this point. What goes around comes around Marshall and Whiting!!!! And to those of you that stuck around knowing all the issues, it's your own fault when you can't find a job and nobody hirees you. That's what you get for being lazy and sticking around!

this should have been investigated a LONG ago. Complete disgrace! Hey OIG, in case you're reading this, why do you think the turnover rate is 50 to 70% with territory managers( sales reps ) ? Was that not a red flag to you over the past four years that there and big time ethical issues? you all need to be replaced as well because your agency sucks at investigating true issues that of which you're supposed to be doing!!!!!!!!!! Embarrassing to say the least

Really? Criticize theDOJ? How about the Pittsburgh news papers that were writing what a great company ZOLL was and giving them awards? What about the article on what a nice place ZOLL was to work? This shit was going on right underneath everyone's nose for years! Shame on the whole bunch of assholes that never actually did any research before opening their mouth. And shame on the RMs for force feeding illegal practices down our throats and threatening our jobs if we didn't comply! And shame on the company for forcing CP to remove threads! I know a lot of RMs that are shitting their pants right now because of the paper trail they created! Lock them all up I say!!

This company for 7 to 8 years has been doing the most fraudulent scamming lying deceitful business practices ever imaginable. I can't believe how long it took the OIG to become aware of it. honestly shame on the department of investigations for taking so long when they were so many whistleblowers going to them about issues. Not only whistleblowers but prescribing physicians with major concerns and the list goes on and on and they just ignored it.This company will be shut down within the next year when they find out all of the completely immoral, absolutely against the law business practices they conduct and actually promote the employees to do. I can list 20 things that are completely against the law and extremely shady and immoral but I don't even need to list them because you all know them. I'm just thankful that it's finally getting put on the front burner and exposed at this point. What goes around comes around Marshall and Whiting!!!! And to those of you that stuck around knowing all the issues, it's your own fault when you can't find a job and nobody hirees you. That's what you get for being lazy and sticking around!

Let's list them anyway. It will help to make sure that whoever does speak to the Feds covers all of their misdeeds thoroughly. I will begin.

HIPAA - we are expected to dig into sensitive patient information by greedy management that demands that we find more patients to fit.

Where to even begin. Well to start how about fitting patients with the lifevest that can't even squeeze the response buttons Or Operate the Device properly at all whatsoever and are completely inappropriate for years , but The PSR and the sales rep fit them with the lofevest anyway just to get the patient fit so download goes through and the company gets paid even though the PSR and the rep very well know that the patient is inappropriate for the device. This is all done to meet the incredible amount of pressure for sales numbers to hit quota to make money. I'm sure somebody else can follow with a Another 30 different scenarios that are completely immoral and absolutely unacceptable. This company really should be shut down by the DOJ. No question about it

Where to even begin. Well to start how about fitting patients with the lifevest that can't even squeeze the response buttons Or Operate the Device properly at all whatsoever and are completely inappropriate for years , but The PSR and the sales rep fit them with the lofevest anyway just to get the patient fit so download goes through and the company gets paid even though the PSR and the rep very well know that the patient is inappropriate for the device. This is all done to meet the incredible amount of pressure for sales numbers to hit quota to make money. I'm sure somebody else can follow with a Another 30 different scenarios that are completely immoral and absolutely unacceptable. This company really should be shut down by the DOJ. No question about it

Lies! Great company

The sales pressure at this company is the root cause of all of the highly questionable business practices that are perpetrated here every day. The question is how much of a written record is there for the Feds to sink their teeth into. Is there really a smoking gun out there?

The sales pressure at this company is the root cause of all of the highly questionable business practices that are perpetrated here every day. The question is how much of a written record is there for the Feds to sink their teeth into. Is there really a smoking gun out there?

Every one of my field coaching reports is a smoking gun. The OIG should have a look at the ppm notes. They will have a field day with those.

What a huge liability to require free text call notes! They will certainly be sorry for that.

The entire industry stopped free form call notes a decade ago for this exact reason, and our senior leadership just started really pushing them 2 or 3 years ago. All of the ADs and VPs sat in meeting after meeting and no one was brave enough to stand up and point out the obvious. They'll pay for it now

How about in 2010 and 11 and 12, at national sales meetings having people give lectures on only hiring PSR's that work in cardiology and that have access and can go through charts and identify patients that meet criteria for the lifevest. And all the strategies that were put in place to identify and hire these people. Yeah that's not a conflict of interest. Sure!. OIG, subpoena all emails all the way back through 2010 and you'll find more than you need, that is if upper leadership didn't bleach and get rid of everything in the system at this point now. How about regional sales managers telling their sales reps to tell doctors to change the ejection fraction to under 35% on the echocardiogram so the patients meet criteria for the lifevest? My God the list goes on and on I mean there are hundreds of things that could be listed that the OIG could find proof on. How about sales reps fitting patients with the lifevest even know they knew insurance wasn't going to cover it just so they could hit their revenue goal to hit bonus and the patient gets nailed with a huge bill with no coverage because the territory manager PSR and everyone else all lied to the patient. I mean where do we even began, there are so many things that are absolutely morally wrong of how this company conducts themselves that I could sit here and type for three hours...

How about in 2010 and 11 and 12, at national sales meetings having people give lectures on only hiring PSR's that work in cardiology and that have access and can go through charts and identify patients that meet criteria for the lifevest. And all the strategies that were put in place to identify and hire these people. Yeah that's not a conflict of interest. Sure!. OIG, subpoena all emails all the way back through 2010 and you'll find more than you need, that is if upper leadership didn't bleach and get rid of everything in the system at this point now. How about regional sales managers telling their sales reps to tell doctors to change the ejection fraction to under 35% on the echocardiogram so the patients meet criteria for the lifevest? My God the list goes on and on I mean there are hundreds of things that could be listed that the OIG could find proof on. How about sales reps fitting patients with the lifevest even know they knew insurance wasn't going to cover it just so they could hit their revenue goal to hit bonus and the patient gets nailed with a huge bill with no coverage because the territory manager PSR and everyone else all lied to the patient. I mean where do we even began, there are so many things that are absolutely morally wrong of how this company conducts themselves that I could sit here and type for three hours...

You guys are missing one smoking gun that the company is going to regret...... think about it. It's fairly obvious....

How about in 2010 and 11 and 12, at national sales meetings having people give lectures on only hiring PSR's that work in cardiology and that have access and can go through charts and identify patients that meet criteria for the lifevest. And all the strategies that were put in place to identify and hire these people. Yeah that's not a conflict of interest. Sure!. OIG, subpoena all emails all the way back through 2010 and you'll find more than you need, that is if upper leadership didn't bleach and get rid of everything in the system at this point now. How about regional sales managers telling their sales reps to tell doctors to change the ejection fraction to under 35% on the echocardiogram so the patients meet criteria for the lifevest? My God the list goes on and on I mean there are hundreds of things that could be listed that the OIG could find proof on. How about sales reps fitting patients with the lifevest even know they knew insurance wasn't going to cover it just so they could hit their revenue goal to hit bonus and the patient gets nailed with a huge bill with no coverage because the territory manager PSR and everyone else all lied to the patient. I mean where do we even began, there are so many things that are absolutely morally wrong of how this company conducts themselves that I could sit here and type for three hours...

My manager told me to ask a doctor to change an EF too. Do they teach them that at Zoll RM training?

You guys are missing one smoking gun that the company is going to regret...... think about it. It's fairly obvious....
We are pretty vulnerable on the entire Firebrand model. The growth they have generated with their controversial tactics is an automatic red flag for the government. If they dig into the sit n fit's, the cross-fit workouts and the sodomy (male and female) it could blow this thing apart. Luckily the Firebrands will thrive in prison.