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It's a Sad Day.....

Seems like they're a bunch of religious fanatics, agree? My point is/ was 'Who really gives a shit about gay marriage in Bermuda?' In fact who really gives a shit about gay marriage? I've got way better things to worry about than whether gay people in Bermuda get married but for Sparky? This is a BFD. Funnier than all get out. :cool:

Leave it to the lowly idiot serfer boy from tyrannical Cali to not understand the core principles of freedom and self-government. Stupider than all get out! :cool:

Vag, Muslims are for big government and Fascism, so they look the other way.

Libs, we agree on a lot but methinks you're using an expanded definition of Fascism.

"Fascism is a form of government which is a type of one-party dictatorship. Fascistsare against democracy. They work for a totalitarian one-party state. ... Such a state is led by a strong leader—such as a dictator and a martial government."

I can see this applying to people on both sides here.

Libs, we agree on a lot but methinks you're using an expanded definition of Fascism.

"Fascism is a form of government which is a type of one-party dictatorship. Fascistsare against democracy. They work for a totalitarian one-party state. ... Such a state is led by a strong leader—such as a dictator and a martial government."

I can see this applying to people on both sides here.

Both sides of what? Hmmm? We have Muslim fascists on one side. Who is the other side that you consider fascist?

Are you going to prove me right again and expose yourself as a blithering idiot?

Proceed carefully.

Both sides of what? Hmmm? We have Muslim fascists on one side. Who is the other side that you consider fascist?

Are you going to prove me right again and expose yourself as a blithering idiot?

Proceed carefully.

*Such a state is led by a strong leader—such as a dictator and a martial government."

Fuck you. The Deep State has those in the Rep party and those in the Dem Party. Hillary would have loved to be a dictator and so would Trump. Blither away studmuffin. :cool:

*Such a state is led by a strong leader—such as a dictator and a martial government."

Fuck you. The Deep State has those in the Rep party and those in the Dem Party. Hillary would have loved to be a dictator and so would Trump. Blither away studmuffin. :cool:

I knew I could count on you to be a blithering idiot.

You were blathering about Muslims, then switch to Dems and Repubs and Clinton and Trump. What's up with that?

There is absolutely nothing in Trump that suggests he wants to be a dictator. The same can't be said for Hillary. So you're wrong there as well.

If Trump wanted to be a dictator he wouldn't be cutting our taxes and trying to protect our borders and repeal Obamadeathcare. None of that is consistent with someone wanting to be a dictator. Just the opposite. Trump has many faults but one of them is not that he doesn't appreciate and revere the country as founded and as it has existed until very recently. He respects America in a way that Obama and Hillary never will.

One last thing, for someone who claims he doesn't care about gay marriage you sure do care a lot. You're constantly leaping to defend it. You're a funny little guy.

I knew I could count on you to be a blithering idiot.

You were blathering about Muslims, then switch to Dems and Repubs and Clinton and Trump. What's up with that?

There is absolutely nothing in Trump that suggests he wants to be a dictator. The same can't be said for Hillary. So you're wrong there as well.

If Trump wanted to be a dictator he wouldn't be cutting our taxes and trying to protect our borders and repeal Obamadeathcare. None of that is consistent with someone wanting to be a dictator. Just the opposite. Trump has many faults but one of them is not that he doesn't appreciate and revere the country as founded and as it has existed until very recently. He respects America in a way that Obama and Hillary never will.

One last thing, for someone who claims he doesn't care about gay marriage you sure do care a lot. You're constantly leaping to defend it. You're a funny little guy.

You were the fucking one who posted about Bermuda and gay marriage - not me so fuck off on your last accusation.

Re: Trump and dictatorship: Do you understand that he is a BUILDER and by getting in this office and throwing out regulations he has (in effect) set himself up to be a land baron (dictator of sorts) for many years to come. So does he care? Does Putin care? They are both Billionaires and in no way can they relate to the common man. There are many ways to skin a cat, he is using one of them. That said? Hey. I'll take the stock market run, which to a large degree depends on deregulation, because it won't be a major downturn until after I'm gone. I am HOPING (like Libs) for growth in GDP. Where we aren't in complete agreement is whether or not the new tax plan will facilitate that. My contention is this: We don't know if it will (it may) we don't know if it won't (it might not).

We're about to find out. I really hope it does BUT if it doesn't, the auto correct (like the one after the RR years) will bring a long stream of liberalism and Socialism. By then I will have spent most all of my Yankee dollars on music, pot, pussy & wine - the rest I will have wasted. :rolleyes:

I don't care, you obviously have nothing better to do than worry gay people, who live all the way in another country. Damn, you are very sad, you sure you're not crying. Do you need a hug?:)

No thanks. I don't need one. You need a brain.

Here's a hint for you. What I'm worried about is self government and the will of the people. Oh, I know such concepts are beyond the capacity of a fool troll to understand. :D

You were the fucking one who posted about Bermuda and gay marriage - not me so fuck off on your last accusation.

Re: Trump and dictatorship: Do you understand that he is a BUILDER and by getting in this office and throwing out regulations he has (in effect) set himself up to be a land baron (dictator of sorts) for many years to come. So does he care? Does Putin care? They are both Billionaires and in no way can they relate to the common man. There are many ways to skin a cat, he is using one of them. That said? Hey. I'll take the stock market run, which to a large degree depends on deregulation, because it won't be a major downturn until after I'm gone. I am HOPING (like Libs) for growth in GDP. Where we aren't in complete agreement is whether or not the new tax plan will facilitate that. My contention is this: We don't know if it will (it may) we don't know if it won't (it might not).

We're about to find out. I really hope it does BUT if it doesn't, the auto correct (like the one after the RR years) will bring a long stream of liberalism and Socialism. By then I will have spent most all of my Yankee dollars on music, pot, pussy & wine - the rest I will have wasted. :rolleyes:

Nope you care a great deal about gay marriage. Yes I created this thread but did someone point a gun at you and force you to comment on it? You have a long established pattern of defending gay marriage. That's a fact. If you truly didn't care one way or the other as you claim then you wouldn't be posting at all on the topic, much less as you do.

Besides, you miss the larger, underlying principle which is about self government and the will of the people. That's the whole point of my post. Burmuda's Parliment, the representatives of the people and the only body with legitimacy to craft policy on topics such as gay marriage, took back the people's sovereignty and told the court system there: the people don't want it and we're not going to stand for it. In sad contrast we have had gay marriage illegitimately imposed on us against the will of the majority by tyrannical, rogue courts.

Allegedly setting up regulatory conditions which will benefit his business is far, far from Trump making himself a dictator so you have failed totally there. Backing off your stupid assertion half way doesn't cut it, you still come off looking stupid.

Finally, tax cuts work every time they are tried. EVERY time! Why? Because government doesn't create wealth and prosperity. The private sector does. The reality is that government is an economic parasite. Government is a necessary evil but should be kept as small and as inexpensive as necessary.

GDP will grow, tax revenue will increase! There was no autocorrect after Reagan, you fool. There was a move to bad policy decisions and it hurt the economy. When Bush 41 broke his tax pledge, it started slowing the economy.

Reagan's economic decisions were wildly successful and had no downsides. End of story.

Nope you care a great deal about gay marriage. Yes I created this thread but did someone point a gun at you and force you to comment on it? You have a long established pattern of defending gay marriage. That's a fact. If you truly didn't care one way or the other as you claim then you wouldn't be posting at all on the topic, much less as you do.

Besides, you miss the larger, underlying principle which is about self government and the will of the people. That's the whole point of my post. Burmuda's Parliment, the representatives of the people and the only body with legitimacy to craft policy on topics such as gay marriage, took back the people's sovereignty and told the court system there: the people don't want it and we're not going to stand for it. In sad contrast we have had gay marriage illegitimately imposed on us against the will of the majority by tyrannical, rogue courts.

Allegedly setting up regulatory conditions which will benefit his business is far, far from Trump making himself a dictator so you have failed totally there. Backing off your stupid assertion half way doesn't cut it, you still come off looking stupid.

Finally, tax cuts work every time they are tried. EVERY time! Why? Because government doesn't create wealth and prosperity. The private sector does. The reality is that government is an economic parasite. Government is a necessary evil but should be kept as small and as inexpensive as necessary.

GDP will grow, tax revenue will increase! There was no autocorrect after Reagan, you fool. There was a move to bad policy decisions and it hurt the economy. When Bush 41 broke his tax pledge, it started slowing the economy.

Reagan's economic decisions were wildly successful and had no downsides. End of story.

Those here who you say defend gay marriage are primarily interested in freedom not the marriage part - people just want to be free.

Taxes? No one knows how this will work out. We all hope it does but no one knows, least of all you.

Those here who you say defend gay marriage are primarily interested in freedom not the marriage part - people just want to be free.

Taxes? No one knows how this will work out. We all hope it does but no one knows, least of all you.

People need to stay out of each others' bedrooms and pocketbooks. Case closed, end of story. :cool:

No thanks. I don't need one. You need a brain.

Here's a hint for you. What I'm worried about is self government and the will of the people. Oh, I know such concepts are beyond the capacity of a fool troll to understand. :D
First you need a life gaslighter, second of all the only reason you want self government so bad, because there be no regulations on how business and corporations conduct themselves, people will act any kind way they want violating others civil rights any of kind way they want. You want rigths ( Federal regulations) to be taking away so people like you can have your way with others, like most sadist bully ass freaks such as yourself.Last but not least what the hell does gay marriage in another country have to do with this one nothing.:)

First you need a life gaslighter, second of all the only reason you want self government so bad, because there be no regulations on how business and corporations conduct themselves, people will act any kind way they want violating others civil rights any of kind way they want. You want rigths ( Federal regulations) to be taking away so people like you can have your way with others, like most sadist bully ass freaks such as yourself.Last but not least what the hell does gay marriage in another country have to do with this one nothing.:)

He's talking an oxymoron. In self-government, gay people would decide for themselves if they get married - not the people. That's people government not self government. Sparks is a clown.

Those here who you say defend gay marriage are primarily interested in freedom not the marriage part - people just want to be free.

Taxes? No one knows how this will work out. We all hope it does but no one knows, least of all you.

If you're interested in freedom then you're interested in majority rule but you're not and you're not.

We know exactly how taxes will turn out. It will be impossible for it not too. It's an economic law like the law of gravity. You're just an ignorant fool.

First you need a life gaslighter, second of all the only reason you want self government so bad, because there be no regulations on how business and corporations conduct themselves, people will act any kind way they want violating others civil rights any of kind way they want. You want rigths ( Federal regulations) to be taking away so people like you can have your way with others, like most sadist bully ass freaks such as yourself.Last but not least what the hell does gay marriage in another country have to do with this one nothing.:)

Wow! I knew you were an ignorant fool but even I didn't think you were this stupid. What you describe is anarchy not self government!

I've explained it all to you but you're too stupid to get it! Oh well your loss! :D

He's talking an oxymoron. In self-government, gay people would decide for themselves if they get married - not the people. That's people government not self government. Sparks is a clown.

No idiot, you're the clown.

What you espouse is anarchy.

Self government is the will of the people based upon majority vote. That is self government and that is what our nation is based upon. That is the essence of the constitution.

No idiot, you're the clown.

What you espouse is anarchy.

Self government is the will of the people based upon majority vote. That is self government and that is what our nation is based upon. That is the essence of the constitution.

Good point Sparky. The CA marijuana law was put on the ballot and voted in by the self-governing people of California. Thank you for your concession. :cool: