oh no imma gonna here from bossman dm in a few days-that small unit douche-is stressin me big time
oh no imma gonna here from bossman dm in a few days-that small unit douche-is stressin me big time
No worry my friend - just forge 7 more like most of us do and you'll be fine. See, if Forest every figured out that the best way to get us to actually work is to be better managers it would be a miracle.
i'll never understand this obsession with sigs-it;s a ridiculous waste of time and energy
It stems from not having a fucking clue on what really needs to be done - so lets just look good and get a bunch of signatures. Inexperienced moronic numbnuts!
i'll never understand this obsession with sigs-it;s a ridiculous waste of time and energy
The time stamps are irrelevant , unless you admit you aren't working a full day every day. The answer to any inquiry about time stamps is ALWAYS "I work all day every day" , unless you're an idiot.
The time stamps are irrelevant , unless you admit you aren't working a full day every day. The answer to any inquiry about time stamps is ALWAYS "I work all day every day" , unless you're an idiot.
"irrelevant" really ?? tell that to the 4 reps who got fired on my team for having time stamps not within "reasonable range" throughout the expected Forest work day. I have seen so many reps fired for this it is sickening. The DM's- all of them- regardless of how big of an ass kiss douche they are, have to monitor daily time stamps. From first power on and laptop opening to last submitting sig. screen.....they see it all. If you are dumb enough to think that your DM does not see every single move you make with that laptop you are deservingly going to get worked out and shit canned. I have been here for 7 years and have seen many reps let go for the front loading of sig's and call entry times and patterns are studied daily by these puppet managers. It is the most important part of their it or not this is what you signed up for.
"irrelevant" really ?? tell that to the 4 reps who got fired on my team for having time stamps not within "reasonable range" throughout the expected Forest work day. I have seen so many reps fired for this it is sickening. The DM's- all of them- regardless of how big of an ass kiss douche they are, have to monitor daily time stamps. From first power on and laptop opening to last submitting sig. screen.....they see it all. If you are dumb enough to think that your DM does not see every single move you make with that laptop you are deservingly going to get worked out and shit canned. I have been here for 7 years and have seen many reps let go for the front loading of sig's and call entry times and patterns are studied daily by these puppet managers. It is the most important part of their it or not this is what you signed up for.
i am losing offices daily-they don't want samples-what shall i do?
This is so sad but true - What amazes me is Forest is still too stupid to figure out that if they managed correctly, they wouldn't have to monitor any of this stuff - we would all be motivated to work an honest day instead of playing cat and mouse.
The reps who got fired over this incriminated themselves or had other real evidence against them, period.