it's 4pm me only got 1 sig

oh no imma gonna here from bossman dm in a few days-that small unit douche-is stressin me big time

No worry my friend - just forge 7 more like most of us do and you'll be fine. See, if Forest every figured out that the best way to get us to actually work is to be better managers it would be a miracle.

It stems from not having a fucking clue on what really needs to be done - so lets just look good and get a bunch of signatures. Inexperienced moronic numbnuts!

So true, if ANY doc was asked what they thought about our "tactics"/poa they would be offended, infuriated, and left shaking their heads. We have good meds that will benefit their patients. Why isn't that enough? Why is it a crime if a doc likes you and they aren't cranking out rxs? In forest fantasy land a relationship=you need 30% market share. Hello!?!? If it is a REAL relationship it means wen have the opportunity to sell why our meds are good for their patients. Can we knock this bs off and sell the merits of our products? Why isn't that good enough? Perhaps we can TRY that approach?

i'll never understand this obsession with sigs-it;s a ridiculous waste of time and energy

Um hello, the entire forest model is built on the concept of capturing sig's by the sales grunts. This is the central control mechanism that DM are hired to enforce. It has always been this way and will continue to be. You are not to be trusted at forest, the DM is hired to police time stamps, laptop use, sig's and receipts. This is the MOST important thing to running this sales team. That will never change, it is about command and control and never to trust what a grunt trunk rat rep does during payable better have reasonable sig's spread out from 8 am to 5 pm or you will be quickly moved out and replaced with the next desperate sucker trying to "break in to pharma" at the entry level 52K base and sig's micro control......

The time stamps are irrelevant , unless you admit you aren't working a full day every day. The answer to any inquiry about time stamps is ALWAYS "I work all day every day" , unless you're an idiot.

The time stamps are irrelevant , unless you admit you aren't working a full day every day. The answer to any inquiry about time stamps is ALWAYS "I work all day every day" , unless you're an idiot.

Whatever, you douche. Tell my DM that and you would be put on the next boat out of the country......many clearly do not work all-day everyday based off their metrx reports that show some days with no sigs and than others with front-load sigs during a big lunch with multip targets for a quick pass and sign on the way out. The sig game is all about when is the rep getting his first and when are they getting their 2-7 sigs throughout the day, and then the all so famous sig one must concoct for the after 4pm sig. DM loves this report, no sig after 4 pm then the rep is toast.......this is how forest operates and always will also why they have consist. lead the industry with turnover year after year.

Nice try. Yeah, the DMs don't want us to know they are going to try to coerce us into admitting anything other than working an 8 hour day. If a rep says they work a full day every day time stamps can't be used against them. Fact.

The time stamps are irrelevant , unless you admit you aren't working a full day every day. The answer to any inquiry about time stamps is ALWAYS "I work all day every day" , unless you're an idiot.

"irrelevant" really ?? tell that to the 4 reps who got fired on my team for having time stamps not within "reasonable range" throughout the expected Forest work day. I have seen so many reps fired for this it is sickening. The DM's- all of them- regardless of how big of an ass kiss douche they are, have to monitor daily time stamps. From first power on and laptop opening to last submitting sig. screen.....they see it all. If you are dumb enough to think that your DM does not see every single move you make with that laptop you are deservingly going to get worked out and shit canned. I have been here for 7 years and have seen many reps let go for the front loading of sig's and call entry times and patterns are studied daily by these puppet managers. It is the most important part of their it or not this is what you signed up for.

"irrelevant" really ?? tell that to the 4 reps who got fired on my team for having time stamps not within "reasonable range" throughout the expected Forest work day. I have seen so many reps fired for this it is sickening. The DM's- all of them- regardless of how big of an ass kiss douche they are, have to monitor daily time stamps. From first power on and laptop opening to last submitting sig. screen.....they see it all. If you are dumb enough to think that your DM does not see every single move you make with that laptop you are deservingly going to get worked out and shit canned. I have been here for 7 years and have seen many reps let go for the front loading of sig's and call entry times and patterns are studied daily by these puppet managers. It is the most important part of their it or not this is what you signed up for.

this is not sales at all! this place is the worst-i am motivated to get the hell out !

i was with forest for three years and thankfully got out. managers DO look at time stamps and that is a fact! i tried debating the whole thing and how this was stupid etc etc...all to deaf ears. Eventually i just got my first sig by nine at the latest and always after four.
my day revolved around figuring out which docs would be in early in morning and after four so that i would not miss a signature and it was shameful!!!!
I ended up just worrying about that and not selling. if i walked out without a signature and it was nearing the end of the day i was in panic mode! my discussions with my spouse at dinner would be around how many signatures i got. so sad
forest was the worst experience of my life and thankfully i was able to get another job and leave this shithole. it is difficult to land a job these days so for those that are still stuck...just keep the faith and keep looking!

"irrelevant" really ?? tell that to the 4 reps who got fired on my team for having time stamps not within "reasonable range" throughout the expected Forest work day. I have seen so many reps fired for this it is sickening. The DM's- all of them- regardless of how big of an ass kiss douche they are, have to monitor daily time stamps. From first power on and laptop opening to last submitting sig. screen.....they see it all. If you are dumb enough to think that your DM does not see every single move you make with that laptop you are deservingly going to get worked out and shit canned. I have been here for 7 years and have seen many reps let go for the front loading of sig's and call entry times and patterns are studied daily by these puppet managers. It is the most important part of their it or not this is what you signed up for.

This is so sad but true - What amazes me is Forest is still too stupid to figure out that if they managed correctly, they wouldn't have to monitor any of this stuff - we would all be motivated to work an honest day instead of playing cat and mouse.

Have each of your docs sign one CASSRA and then copy the signature on your computer every hour from 8-5. Dispose of the samples as you wish. If Forest wants to play dirty, so should you.

This is so sad but true - What amazes me is Forest is still too stupid to figure out that if they managed correctly, they wouldn't have to monitor any of this stuff - we would all be motivated to work an honest day instead of playing cat and mouse.

The reps who got fired over this incriminated themselves or had other real evidence against them, period.