Keep it up fire starter. You are pathetic. The only thing I can tell you is this. Karma is a real bitch. It might not be now. It might not be 6 months from now, but you will get yours. You have intentionally put these comments in to induce panic and a lot of negativity. Whether you want to acknowledge it or not, there ar many innocent people that work very hard here. The bonuses are average for a launch so let’s not blow this out of proportion. These people have families and mortgages to pay. You’re a real mother fkr and your statements are flat out lies. If this drug was an easy sell, everyone would be using it. It’s a constant struggle every day, especially with the sub par services. You are the lowest ass of the Earth and you can go to hell. So you either are a bad egg from another franchise, another company, a sorry excuse who went for this job and was turned down, or just an ass. Which one is it?