What a company! A year after Genentech’s number one launch and it became all about her. That quick, very rehearsed, drop of the head with the fake tear was about everyone could take as we all think about the decent jobs we left and sacrificed to get here and may not have a job in July. Then of course the DM from California, in usual fashion, had to brown nose and stand up to lead a standing ovation. Most were completely turned off and didn’t want to stand. It’s anazing these rehearsed speeches with the Teleprompters etc, that anyone can believe that was genuine. You know what a rap leader would do? “I’m going to stick it out here for the good of the franchise as they need a solid laser here.” Let’s be very clear. This was Amy’s decision and she wanted to be a DM. They offered her a lot of $ to do it as well. And like most here at Genentech, it’s all about yourself and getting ahead and trying to beat everyone else to the punch in volunteering for everything. Out of all the companies, I have never seen a company more about SELF-PROMOTION and climbing the ladder to get more prominent positions regardless the cost. It is all about “I” here and nothing about “we.” Have I have kids and a hospice mother in law to take care of while worry whether or not I will have a job when they feel like telling us. You don’t think leadership knows? They know. This meeting was the poorest excuse of a meeting and if you truly made the survey anonymous, you would get a handful. The survey isn’t and is tracked.