IT Transformation


Senior IT leadership don't care, our business functions don't care and yet we at the bottom of the IT organization, the people who get things done, are told to embrace the new way of working yet we continue to work as before because we don't care either. There is no vision or plan.

The whole thing is one big disaster and should be stopped immediately and redirect the money back to Merck. Let's stop pretending that it's going well, we all know it is a cluster F*ck.

Heh, are you in GDMS? We have a similar kind of clusterf*ck going on over here.

Some new "transformative" workflow mgmt platform just rolled out, where we all can't even fart now without logging in this dumbass tool.

It's the solution no one asked for to a problem no one had lol

Senior IT leadership don't care, our business functions don't care and yet we at the bottom of the IT organization, the people who get things done, are told to embrace the new way of working yet we continue to work as before because we don't care either. There is no vision or plan.

The whole thing is one big disaster and should be stopped immediately and redirect the money back to Merck. Let's stop pretending that it's going well, we all know it is a cluster F*ck.

So now they are trimming the IT budget for the second half of 2023. Has anyone heard of IT layoffs this year?
If layoff's happen then the first to go are always the people who have a passion for technology. Then the next in line are those who put the company first. The last to be shown the door are the ones who have no IT experience and put themselves first.