It is interesting...

It is surprising that nothing is done to stop her behavior after all this time. I know I am not the only one who can hear almost EVERYTHING she says to people in her office. She yells at people in her office and on her telephone because she talks so loud you can hear the private things she talks about too with the door closed. What kind of example is that for a manager? Even worse she's supposed to represent HR -- VERY unprofessional lady. Very sad this is going on.

Culture has gone to hell (translation: Japan). Non-existent leadership (translation: Frank, Tom, Greg, Richard, Paul). Illegal treatment of employees (discriminatory and bullying work environment - COMING PRIMARILY FROM HR!), and the loss of any semblance of quality in medical care or laboratory.

The company has been destroyed; this is why so many good people are gone, and why others are leaving. The shambles of what is left of HR is just the tip of the iceburg, so how can you expect CF or anyone else at the manager level to behave any differently? Just listen to how Frank, Paul, Tom, Greg and Richard talk to and ABOUT people and each other. Nest of rats and snakes.

The heat is on and CF, you are so have bullied people for the last time! EVERYONE sees what your doing.

Hey CF: how does it feel to fly without your safety net? The seat of your pants must be ready to split! Hahaha!! Even if you are on your best behavior now, at least for a little while, we will all benefit from the break from you and your bullying. Sadly, we know you, and we know it won't last.
But, it will be interesting to see how your new boss deals with your flagrant bullshit, incompetence, and abuse. The bully in you will come out eventually - you seem to be unable to control that about yourself for long - so she will see it. Then, buh bye!!
 HR continues to decline and their credibility is in shambles. The new lady is in over her head and the entire staff is demoralized and unmotivated. Have to ask, why are they hiring new employees, then laying them off before 30 days of employment? What's up with that? Man, it's a bleak future, no integrity, and the executives set such poor examples. Zaves, Lash and Kelly continue running amok and unchecked, and Frank's buddy Paul is a nasty skirt chaser, and HR is covering for him (he's got a thing for a certain blond). He is so crude and obvious - just out of control, abusive, and very strange. Wake up Japan, the whole thing is going to sink!!

 HR continues to decline and their credibility is in shambles.

Where in the HELL did the new recruiting manager come from? She smells like an ashtray and she is obnoxious! What's with all the personal questions about existing executives, their salary information and incentive pay? She is easily and routinely overheard making comments about overpaid executives. She berates her staff frequently, and she is remarkably curious about things that have NOTHING to do with her new job. Yet again, the leadership team has made an astounding mistake with an HR personnel decision. The lack of judgment is shocking.

Where in the HELL did the new recruiting manager come from? She smells like an ashtray and she is obnoxious! What's with all the personal questions about existing executives, their salary information and incentive pay? She is easily and routinely overheard making comments about overpaid executives. She berates her staff frequently, and she is remarkably curious about things that have NOTHING to do with her new job. Yet again, the leadership team has made an astounding mistake with an HR personnel decision. The lack of judgment is shocking.

Shocking but not surprising. Hiring mistakes all over the place.....