It is a bad sign for the company if your recruiters are clueless

I just find it very difficult trying to prove my worth to a person who has an intelligence level so far beneath me that it is a struggle just to understand what it is she's trying to say.

Keep in mind, we don't need to be too sharp or intelligent. We are working with LOSERS like you. Contract Reps. We laugh constantly after talking to you fools. Begging us for jobs!!! All of your sad, poor me, lazy asses are filling my Holiday with fun and cheer. It's fun being a Recruiter for these contracts. You worthless children are very entertaining. Cheers! Good luck getting a CSO job.

Keep in mind, we don't need to be too sharp or intelligent. We are working with LOSERS like you. Contract Reps. We laugh constantly after talking to you fools. Begging us for jobs!!! All of your sad, poor me, lazy asses are filling my Holiday with fun and cheer. It's fun being a Recruiter for these contracts. You worthless children are very entertaining. Cheers! Good luck getting a CSO job.

There are not many of us that are proud to call ourselves contract. It is what it is and it sucks. You suck too.

so I guess since you are the recruiter who helps us get the job, then that makes you the thing us worthless shits pass through. So you are admitting you are an asshole?


Thank you....and Goodnight everybody! I hope every recruiter in this company reads this and understands that the problem with CSOs begins with their lack of professionalism.
 I hope every recruiter in this company reads this and understands that the problem with CSOs begins with their lack of professionalism.

No. The problem with a CSO, is that you are a CSO. Contract? Really? A grown adult settling for a worthless entry level job? And you want to blame us? The funniest part is listening to all of your desperation and begging. I will be the BEST CSO ever. LMAO.

Keep in mind, we don't need to be too sharp or intelligent. We are working with LOSERS like you. Contract Reps. We laugh constantly after talking to you fools. Begging us for jobs!!! All of your sad, poor me, lazy asses are filling my Holiday with fun and cheer. It's fun being a Recruiter for these contracts. You worthless children are very entertaining. Cheers! Good luck getting a CSO job.

You should hear what we have to say about you...words like scum bags, stupid, morons, ugly, nasty, self centered, arogant, sleazy, slimy, snotty, rude, ignorant and last but not least
TOTALLY WORTHLESS....sorry I know I forgot some...bad Karma to you...

You should hear what we have to say about you...words like scum bags, stupid, morons, ugly, nasty, self centered, arogant, sleazy, slimy, snotty, rude, ignorant and last but not least
TOTALLY WORTHLESS....sorry I know I forgot some...bad Karma to you...

But you forgot one thing. We are the only thing between you and a Contract Job. CSO. Part time. Temporary. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.

You should hear what we have to say about you...words like scum bags, stupid, morons, ugly, nasty, self centered, arogant, sleazy, slimy, snotty, rude, ignorant and last but not least
TOTALLY WORTHLESS....sorry I know I forgot some...bad Karma to you...

The shit worthless crotch stench recruiter I spoke with has hair coming out of her ass.

But you forgot one thing. We are the only thing between you and a Contract Job. CSO. Part time. Temporary. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.

Who cares what the "Recruiter" is like! It's a Contract Job. They could be r*****s, One Eyed Fools, have leprosy, who gives a shit. They fill parttime worthless jobs. If they were qualified they would be recruiting for true career spots.

Who cares what the "Recruiter" is like! It's a Contract Job. They could be r*****s, One Eyed Fools, have leprosy, who gives a shit. They fill parttime worthless jobs. If they were qualified they would be recruiting for true career spots.

By "true career jobs," I really hope that you are not referring to the same job working direct for some shitty mainline pharma company? Surely you do not consider this worthless profession a "career," regardless of whether you are a CSO or a direct rep? You really think that there is any difference? Really? Come on, now.........

I spoke to Cynthia @ 732-537-5010. She had no clue. In the first thirty seconds,I knew I was in trouble.

Let's start naming the recruiters at Ventiv and evaluate them. Who's next?