The Ashfield team is still in place, sales of SR are good. Why did someone start a rumor of all Ashfield people losing their jobs in March? There are NO signs it will happen?
You believed the wrong rumor. Realignments will happen second half of the year...not March.
Ashfield will be affected in March.You believed the wrong rumor. Realignments will happen second half of the year...not March.
Mandatory call for who??
Not completely fake. There was a mandatory call, but it was about reach and frequency.
Anyone selling BI products not in on rare disease, oncology, or HSBS is essentially old news. You’re a dinosaur.
The Ashfield team is still in place, sales of SR are good. Why did someone start a rumor of all Ashfield people losing their jobs in March? There are NO signs it will happen?
Stop posting BS!!! There was no Ashfield call todayMandatory Call Tomorrow!!