Is turnover average really 2 years at Stryker?

Seriously smart, not hard man. Pharma isn’t as sexy as trauma (Or Recon), but this entire industry has been cannibalized. The days of making $200k+ are few and far between. I worked here over a decade ago, but saw the writing on the wall, started a family and realized there are more important things in life. I still do well but work half as much and actually get to see my family. I’m sure some young f*cktards will have some idiotic comments, but the Ortho heydays are long gone fellas.

Seriously smart, not hard man. Pharma isn’t as sexy as trauma (Or Recon), but this entire industry has been cannibalized. The days of making $200k+ are few and far between. I worked here over a decade ago, but saw the writing on the wall, started a family and realized there are more important things in life. I still do well but work half as much and actually get to see my family. I’m sure some young f*cktards will have some idiotic comments, but the Ortho heydays are long gone fellas.

Couldn't agree more. I started at Howmedica and left Stryker a while ago. Things started going downhill in the mid to late 2000's. I was fortunate to have worked in ortho sales during the really really good years...not the same now and never will be.

The whole Gallop thing is a joke. I routinely see Stryker positions open in my local area and if the Gallop pole was worth it's salt these positions wouldn't be vacant. Likewise they breach diversity of thought but yet want to a cookie cutter profile. Crazy.

By Gallop, do you mean Gallup?
And by pole, do you mean poll?

This is exactly why the Gallup is important, it weeds out the dumba$$ Planet Fitness types like yourself.