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Is this the end? Summit data today...."I do believe this is a legitimate threat to Opdivo”


Holy crap. Just when things couldn't get any worse.

"I do believe this is a legitimate threat to Opdivo,” told John Heymach, a lung cancer specialist at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, told STAT.

“Summit is a bigger business opportunity than Pharmacyclics,” Summit co-CEO and Chairman Bob Duggan told STAT, pointing to the company’s focus on solid tumors. “We’ll play it out as best we can with the obligation to move as quickly as we can, as broadly as we can.”

Detailed data show Summit therapy beat Merck blockbuster Keytruda in late-stage lung cancer trial


Is this drug in commercial stage? By most estimates it’s at least two years away, and by then someone else could leapfrog it with better data or faster development to approval.