I worked at Alexion for 8 years and recently got out. During that time, I met some really great people, gained a great deal of experience and benefited financially from Alexion’s growth. Work / life balance was always an issue. I was required to work more than I really cared to, but it was pretty much the same as other public companies in the 21st century. All that being said, I saw some of my colleagues get absolutely crushed by this company. 80+ hours per week, nights, weekends, no backup so no time for vacation. I did not experience that and would not have put up with it, not for any amount of money.
The work / life balance got better over time. In the beginning, we were severely understaffed. People had responsibilities that would be the equivalent to 2 or 3 jobs in other companies. The company grew, hired more people and that aspect got better. However, a new problem emerged. We had all these new people but nobody had a clear understanding of what their role was in the new organization. In addition, the new hires were disproportionately director level and higher. They were strategic thinkers and more accustomed to leading rather than rolling up their sleeves and doing the work. The work day changed from 12 hour days of doing actual work to 10 hour days of sitting in meetings trying to figure out who was going to do the actual work. Despite the longer hours, I found it more satisfying in the beginning.
Upper management is very much out of touch with the level of effort and associated costs associated with enterprise-wide projects. There was no prioritization, projects were underfunded and we took on more than we could reasonably handle. The end result was project overruns, some out and out failures and most of the time, projects being completed without realizing all of the benefits that were expected. This lack of prioritization is what lead to the work/life issues mentioned earlier.
So, would I recommend Alexion as a good place to work in 2016? For me, it was time to move on. Prior to recent events, I would have recommended Alexion as a good place to work for others. After all, most of the new hires that I knew in my last days there seemed to be pretty happy with the place. However, given recent events, I would be cautious and wait to see what the fallout is. I would also be very cautious of your work/life expectations. If you want a 40 hour a week job, Alexion is not for you. In the end, I think Alexion will be fine and maybe an even end up being a better place to work. However, there will likely be some tough times ahead in the short term.