Is the long anticipated event imminent?

Must not be an offer the board will accept... Stock is low today. Street always knows before it's announced. Looks like it will be at least three more years of crappy S&N management.

QUOTE=Anonymous;5258539]I think you are off a month on the Stryker thing. I believe it was late May when they were looking. I could be wrong.

If Sanofi had waited another 6 mo. then I think Buhon is a stronger candidate. As of now, he has 6 more months on his S&N contract.

If Styker were to make an offer (and I don't think they will), the outgoing CEO is usually asked to stay until the deal closes... So, if Olivier Buhon wants to be the new CEO of the largest French Pharma company, he should NOT make a deal with Stryker that will tie him up for the next 10-12 months... or better yet, QUIT NOW.

It won't matter though. Remember what those Englishmen said? "Meet the new boss... Same as the old boss......... DON'T GET FOOLED, AGAIN"

Pretty spot on analysis, given that Buhon recently said he is not leaving for Sanofi. I don't see a Stryker deal happening. The price is out of whack with reality and Smith & Nephew (I.e. Board and London exchange) consider SNN stock as a national point of pride. They are proud to be one of the largest healthcare companies in UK - never mind that the majority of revenue, profits, and operations are in US.
Look for deal whispers to die after it's leaked to the media that it isn't going to happen. SNN will drop 5% that day, and remain mostly flat until the next round of takeover whispers start up in 4 years.[/QUOTE]

Happened today. Buhon told investors conference S&N is not interested. Stock is currently down about 3-4% from Dec 2014 high water mark.

Please Frenchy stop fucking with us get the deal done take your cash and buy a B&B in Burgundy. Sip wine and tell people, "Yeah...I was in the medical device business...tough racket...."

Such a massive payout to reaped by executive management at the estimated +13£ per share buyout price, be assured S&N brass desires a Stryker buyout.

Might this message simply be an attempt to chat the stock down a bit before the imminent purchase? The order coming from our new masters in Kalamazoo?

Silence once again.......time to wait another year for buyout rumors to start again

If that's the case, is it too much to ask for some leadership and vision from this group of bumbling idiots. Focus on the emerging markets and acauiring the distributorships in other countries just aint cutting it here.

Such a massive payout to reaped by executive management at the estimated +13£ per share buyout price, be assured S&N brass desires a Stryker buyout.

Might this message simply be an attempt to chat the stock down a bit before the imminent purchase? The order coming from our new masters in Kalamazoo?

Yeah, and I want $20k for my 1993 Ford Escort too. It ain't happening though. Overpriced.

Let the Brass desire that buyout all they want. Unless their going to get the board to take less money (and get sued by shareholders), it ain't going to happen.

Time to manage the business at hand. Put up or shut up.