I don't understand the point behind this long argument. If you've left the company and think it was an awful place, then why are you wasting your precious time posting about it. If you're still with the company and don't like it, then I suggest you spend your time looking for a job instead of complaining.
I agree that it's a wave of change. We have a new CEO and he's working on making the yo changes, but it won't happen overnight. Stu was a financial genius but he didn't care about the people nor did he know how to effectively manage them-- hence the change in leadership.
Again, naivety perfectly demonstrated. The fact is the people that are complaining on this site are looking for positions elsewhere or are planning their "exit strategy". This string, and others, serves 1) as a place to vent frustrations in the meantime, and 2) discuss/debate serious management issues with Integra. NEWS FLASH: the internet is full of blogs and other public domains where discussions are conducted; if their presence annoys you then don't participate.
And anyone that thinks that one (1) person can change an entire company and it's ingrained culture is kidding themselves. You can rewrite all the corporate policies you want, change the evaluation process, have as many annoying pizza party's as budget allows, but the truth is once a culture is created it is almost impossible to change. That's because it's the attitudes and conduct of each individual employee of Integra that, collectively, creates the corporate culture. Not a bunch of written policies.