Do sales reps get more than this once hired?
Is the no alcohol policy for non employees or for all Regeneron staff?
Is the no alcohol policy for non employees or for all Regeneron staff?
Do sales reps get more than this once hired?
Is the no alcohol policy for non employees or for all Regeneron staff?
If 70 isn't enough for a meal, you better check into a fat man clinic. Are you F'ing kidding me??? Most pharma comp's are a lot less.Go smash your head into a wall until you bleed to death. IDIOT@@@
If 70 isn't enough for a meal, you better check into a fat man clinic. Are you F'ing kidding me??? Most pharma comp's are a lot less.Go smash your head into a wall until you bleed to death. IDIOT@@@
If 70 isn't enough for a meal, you better check into a fat man clinic. Are you F'ing kidding me??? Most pharma comp's are a lot less.Go smash your head into a wall until you bleed to death. IDIOT@@@
you are lucky to get 70. you pharma reps are just walking message boards. you have no real value other than walking around all day begging for 60 seconds with a real professional and pressing play on your home office message player. In any other industry you would never get the same salary. try a real sales job where you really have to close for a living and don't get free food. You wonder why you are the laughing stock of every real profession?? how the f*** does someone stay in the job for a career???? WOW!!!
you are lucky to get 70. you pharma reps are just walking message boards. you have no real value other than walking around all day begging for 60 seconds with a real professional and pressing play on your home office message player. In any other industry you would never get the same salary. try a real sales job where you really have to close for a living and don't get free food. You wonder why you are the laughing stock of every real profession?? how the f*** does someone stay in the job for a career???? WOW!!!
you are lucky to get 70. you pharma reps are just walking message boards. you have no real value other than walking around all day begging for 60 seconds with a real professional and pressing play on your home office message player. In any other industry you would never get the same salary. try a real sales job where you really have to close for a living and don't get free food. You wonder why you are the laughing stock of every real profession?? how the f*** does someone stay in the job for a career???? WOW!!!
you are lucky to get 70. you pharma reps are just walking message boards. you have no real value other than walking around all day begging for 60 seconds with a real professional and pressing play on your home office message player. In any other industry you would never get the same salary. try a real sales job where you really have to close for a living and don't get free food. You wonder why you are the laughing stock of every real profession?? how the f*** does someone stay in the job for a career???? WOW!!!
Nope, I have worked in other sales roles and always made quota. BTW, I also made it in your industry. The reality is that pharma isn't a real job and other industries demand real numbers from real sales. Pharma reps are the joke of every industry because you really aren't sales reps. You know it and everyone else does too. Go get a real sales job and tell us if you get your lunch money. Now, get out and beg for an appt and hit your brand message for the doc who is using you for a fuckin free lunch. LOl
My lunch money? Help, I I'm in serious trouble because my mommy did not give me my lunch. you have no substance to your existence except for running from office to office begging for a fake sales appointment and most days you are depressed from the rejection but really, seriously you have a life in pharma (Lol) Your job and industry is an absolute joke. That's why you morons wind up on sitcoms as the butt of the joke. There is really nothing your can write that will change the joke of a job-career you think you have. By the way I haven't made a cold call in a long time but you do every day dipshit. LOL