is the daily meal limit for employees $70 per diem or just for non employees?

If 70 isn't enough for a meal, you better check into a fat man clinic. Are you F'ing kidding me??? Most pharma comp's are a lot less.Go smash your head into a wall until you bleed to death. IDIOT@@@

If 70 isn't enough for a meal, you better check into a fat man clinic. Are you F'ing kidding me??? Most pharma comp's are a lot less.Go smash your head into a wall until you bleed to death. IDIOT@@@

You are the IDIOT !! IF you had any worth, you would know that other pharma companies give reps $200 per day or more WITHOUT itemized receipts, nitwit
Go stick your head back up your ass and then crawl back under your rock,dips hit

If 70 isn't enough for a meal, you better check into a fat man clinic. Are you F'ing kidding me??? Most pharma comp's are a lot less.Go smash your head into a wall until you bleed to death. IDIOT@@@

You are the IDIOT !! IF you had any worth, you would know that other pharma companies give reps $200 per day or more WITHOUT itemized receipts, nitwit
Go stick your head back up your ass and then crawl back under your rock

You are the IDIOT !! IF you had any worth, you would know that other pharma companies give reps $200 per day or more WITHOUT itemized receipts, nitwit
Sounds like your last job was Burger King
Go stick your head back up your ass and then crawl back under your rock

you are lucky to get 70. you pharma reps are just walking message boards. you have no real value other than walking around all day begging for 60 seconds with a real professional and pressing play on your home office message player. In any other industry you would never get the same salary. try a real sales job where you really have to close for a living and don't get free food. You wonder why you are the laughing stock of every real profession?? how the f*** does someone stay in the job for a career???? WOW!!!

you are lucky to get 70. you pharma reps are just walking message boards. you have no real value other than walking around all day begging for 60 seconds with a real professional and pressing play on your home office message player. In any other industry you would never get the same salary. try a real sales job where you really have to close for a living and don't get free food. You wonder why you are the laughing stock of every real profession?? how the f*** does someone stay in the job for a career???? WOW!!!

Ok, so you were a primary care rep for 4-5 years and got laid off. You had to bring food to offices every day of your dumpster fire career and you still couldn't see an MD because your breathe smelled like a vagina on day 4 of the cycle. So now you go on this board writing and spelling like a 2nd grader who's been home schooled by a guy living in a van. Other than that you're good d-bag. Get back to the phones. The end of the quarter is fast approaching and you need 786 more orders to hit quota.

you are lucky to get 70. you pharma reps are just walking message boards. you have no real value other than walking around all day begging for 60 seconds with a real professional and pressing play on your home office message player. In any other industry you would never get the same salary. try a real sales job where you really have to close for a living and don't get free food. You wonder why you are the laughing stock of every real profession?? how the f*** does someone stay in the job for a career???? WOW!!!

Seem a bit jaded to me, buddy. What happened? Pharma never hired you or were you only able to land an outside sales position? Or did get in and your ass was fired ??
Go suck an egg !

you are lucky to get 70. you pharma reps are just walking message boards. you have no real value other than walking around all day begging for 60 seconds with a real professional and pressing play on your home office message player. In any other industry you would never get the same salary. try a real sales job where you really have to close for a living and don't get free food. You wonder why you are the laughing stock of every real profession?? how the f*** does someone stay in the job for a career???? WOW!!!

Spoken like someone that has been rejected from pharma more times than Hilary Clinton has lost her memory. Cheer up man, I hear Chucke Cheeses is hiring bouncers.

you are lucky to get 70. you pharma reps are just walking message boards. you have no real value other than walking around all day begging for 60 seconds with a real professional and pressing play on your home office message player. In any other industry you would never get the same salary. try a real sales job where you really have to close for a living and don't get free food. You wonder why you are the laughing stock of every real profession?? how the f*** does someone stay in the job for a career???? WOW!!!

Sounds like a country song.....

Nope, I have worked in other sales roles and always made quota. BTW, I also made it in your industry. The reality is that pharma isn't a real job and other industries demand real numbers from real sales. Pharma reps are the joke of every industry because you really aren't sales reps. You know it and everyone else does too. Go get a real sales job and tell us if you get your lunch money. Now, get out and beg for an appt and hit your brand message for the doc who is using you for a fuckin free lunch. LOl

Nope, I have worked in other sales roles and always made quota. BTW, I also made it in your industry. The reality is that pharma isn't a real job and other industries demand real numbers from real sales. Pharma reps are the joke of every industry because you really aren't sales reps. You know it and everyone else does too. Go get a real sales job and tell us if you get your lunch money. Now, get out and beg for an appt and hit your brand message for the doc who is using you for a fuckin free lunch. LOl

I bet you are one of those guys that challenges other guys at parties to has the bigger dick? If you like working you're ass off just so you can say that you are, then good for you. I would rather make more than you and work less. Allows me to have time with the family. Your kids are probably the ones that will grow up pissed at you because you were always working.

Get a life and leave us the fuck alone...besides you should probably be cold calling and beating doors down right now.

Yes, the once proud darling of the biotech world, Regeneron, has officially descended into the idiocacy of the worst of the worst cesspool that is big pharma. Sorry Eyelea reps your year or two in the sun is over. Judging by all the manical posts infesting this site you are amongst now some of the most inane, delusional, nut jobs ever witnessed on this website. Hey, you had a good run, your stock is sky high, so could be worse--but I'd sell now if you can

My lunch money? Help, I I'm in serious trouble because my mommy did not give me my lunch. you have no substance to your existence except for running from office to office begging for a fake sales appointment and most days you are depressed from the rejection but really, seriously you have a life in pharma (Lol) Your job and industry is an absolute joke. That's why you morons wind up on sitcoms as the butt of the joke. There is really nothing your can write that will change the joke of a job-career you think you have. By the way I haven't made a cold call in a long time but you do every day dipshit. LOL

My lunch money? Help, I I'm in serious trouble because my mommy did not give me my lunch. you have no substance to your existence except for running from office to office begging for a fake sales appointment and most days you are depressed from the rejection but really, seriously you have a life in pharma (Lol) Your job and industry is an absolute joke. That's why you morons wind up on sitcoms as the butt of the joke. There is really nothing your can write that will change the joke of a job-career you think you have. By the way I haven't made a cold call in a long time but you do every day dipshit. LOL

If you think the industry is a joke, why are you stalking this page, douchebag?????]
Get a life !
P.S. You definitely have small teenie weenie issues -you have anger issues from all your rejection as not being up to snuff to cut it in our industry. now rollover & play dead.