Is the CDC enabling Coronavirus outbreak in the USA?


There's a story in the news about a northern California mother and daughter who recently returned from China and the CDC put them into "self quarantine." This is where they essentially stay home for 2 weeks. They were staying about 600 miles south of the epicenter of the outbreak in China, but there is no way to know if they were exposed while in China or not.

The woman's husband in Northern California is not under quarantine and he is free to come and go from their home. If he were to contract the virus from his wife of daughter, he could then begin spreading it through out the community.

The CDC evaluated this risk as "medium" and then went ahead and allowed this mother and daughter to return to their home and thus risk spreading the virus in California.

Why weren't these 2 kept in quarantine before returning home? Why for that matter are any citizens allowed to return to the USA before going through a quarantine process? It seems to me that the CDC is deliberately putting the entire population of the nation at risk here...almost as if they actually want the virus to spread!

Now we're being told that this virus will be seasonal like the flu...but it's 20 times more deadly than the flu...


There's a story in the news about a northern California mother and daughter who recently returned from China and the CDC put them into "self quarantine." This is where they essentially stay home for 2 weeks. They were staying about 600 miles south of the epicenter of the outbreak in China, but there is no way to know if they were exposed while in China or not.

The woman's husband in Northern California is not under quarantine and he is free to come and go from their home. If he were to contract the virus from his wife of daughter, he could then begin spreading it through out the community.

The CDC evaluated this risk as "medium" and then went ahead and allowed this mother and daughter to return to their home and thus risk spreading the virus in California.

Why weren't these 2 kept in quarantine before returning home? Why for that matter are any citizens allowed to return to the USA before going through a quarantine process? It seems to me that the CDC is deliberately putting the entire population of the nation at risk here...almost as if they actually want the virus to spread!

Now we're being told that this virus will be seasonal like the flu...but it's 20 times more deadly than the flu...

Of course, that's it - the CDC wants it to spread because some of their members don't like their spouses and hope they will get it. :rolleyes:

Vag, this is brought to us by the GOOD friends of the Liberals in this country, the Chinese Government, with the help of a Harvard Professor.

Hmmm, Libs, not so sure about that.

1) Trump just made this statement regarding Coronavirus:

2) Meanwhile, here’s what Rush Limbaugh (who he just gave a presidential medal to) had to say, “It looks like the coronavirus is being weaponized as yet another element to bring down Donald Trump. Now, I want to tell you the truth about the coronavirus. I’m dead right on this. The coronavirus is the common cold, folks." He actually said on his Monday show!

3) Then in steps former Trump advisor Steve Bannon who says this is a world crisis. So I ask, if it is a world crisis, why is the president along with the guy he gave a medal to saying it is under control and just the common cold? So if the virus goes away, cool – but if the shit hits the fan with this virus, and Corona hits the US in any tangible way, we're going to have a triple whammy. Markets are already selling off and will continue to sell off bigly, due to recession risk and virus risk. The DOW could lose 10,000 points!

This could sink Trump and elect Sanders. And that is why I laugh when people focus on Hillary. Keep your eye on the ball and if you are a conservative, the ball right now is Bernie Sanders. There is no love lost between Hillary and Bernie and she isn’t running, Bernie is... and as of now - he is #1 in that party.

Yes, everyone seems to think it would be a slaughter but this virus has yet to be put to rest (in my opinion) and in Steve Bannon’s opinion but not in Limbaugh's or the Donald's opinion. Steve Bannon ain't a liberal OR Chinese..... ;)

Hmmm, Libs, not so sure about that.

1) Trump just made this statement regarding Coronavirus:

2) Meanwhile, here’s what Rush Limbaugh (who he just gave a presidential medal to) had to say, “It looks like the coronavirus is being weaponized as yet another element to bring down Donald Trump. Now, I want to tell you the truth about the coronavirus. I’m dead right on this. The coronavirus is the common cold, folks." He actually said on his Monday show!

3) Then in steps former Trump advisor Steve Bannon who says this is a world crisis. So I ask, if it is a world crisis, why is the president along with the guy he gave a medal to saying it is under control and just the common cold? So if the virus goes away, cool – but if the shit hits the fan with this virus, and Corona hits the US in any tangible way, we're going to have a triple whammy. Markets are already selling off and will continue to sell off bigly, due to recession risk and virus risk. The DOW could lose 10,000 points!

This could sink Trump and elect Sanders. And that is why I laugh when people focus on Hillary. Keep your eye on the ball and if you are a conservative, the ball right now is Bernie Sanders. There is no love lost between Hillary and Bernie and she isn’t running, Bernie is... and as of now - he is #1 in that party.

Yes, everyone seems to think it would be a slaughter but this virus has yet to be put to rest (in my opinion) and in Steve Bannon’s opinion but not in Limbaugh's or the Donald's opinion. Steve Bannon ain't a liberal OR Chinese..... ;)
As usual, Trump and Rush will be proven correct as they are the overwhelming majority of the time. The bottom line is that this is no more deadly than the normal seasonal flu. There is no crisis and will be no crisis here in the US because we have first class and timely medical care.
Chill out, Chicken Little. The sky isn’t falling in health terms.

As usual, Trump and Rush will be proven correct as they are the overwhelming majority of the time. The bottom line is that this is no more deadly than the normal seasonal flu. There is no crisis and will be no crisis here in the US because we have first class and timely medical care.
Chill out, Chicken Little. The sky isn’t falling in health terms.

The flu is way more serious than the common cold so now you're changing Rush's words? LMFAO! Anyway, I never said there was a crisis, I cited Steve Bannon's one hour speech that said it 'could be' so are you saying Steve Bannon was yakking for an hour over the common cold? It's amusing how you change the words.

Anyway, I'm not saying I think he's right or wrong, I'm saying he's 'better be right.' I hope you are correct as I've lost a wad already in the meltdown of the last 2 days but have enough cash to go 3 more years without altering my lifestyle. And it's getting close to Daylight Savings, Dodger baseball and naked time in Palm Springs. ;)

Hmmm, Libs, not so sure about that.

1) Trump just made this statement regarding Coronavirus:

2) Meanwhile, here’s what Rush Limbaugh (who he just gave a presidential medal to) had to say, “It looks like the coronavirus is being weaponized as yet another element to bring down Donald Trump. Now, I want to tell you the truth about the coronavirus. I’m dead right on this. The coronavirus is the common cold, folks." He actually said on his Monday show!

3) Then in steps former Trump advisor Steve Bannon who says this is a world crisis. So I ask, if it is a world crisis, why is the president along with the guy he gave a medal to saying it is under control and just the common cold? So if the virus goes away, cool – but if the shit hits the fan with this virus, and Corona hits the US in any tangible way, we're going to have a triple whammy. Markets are already selling off and will continue to sell off bigly, due to recession risk and virus risk. The DOW could lose 10,000 points!

This could sink Trump and elect Sanders. And that is why I laugh when people focus on Hillary. Keep your eye on the ball and if you are a conservative, the ball right now is Bernie Sanders. There is no love lost between Hillary and Bernie and she isn’t running, Bernie is... and as of now - he is #1 in that party.

Yes, everyone seems to think it would be a slaughter but this virus has yet to be put to rest (in my opinion) and in Steve Bannon’s opinion but not in Limbaugh's or the Donald's opinion. Steve Bannon ain't a liberal OR Chinese..... ;)

No, he’s just a know nothing fat slob trying to be relevant and get a book deal. He ain’t and never will be.

The flu is way more serious than the common cold so now you're changing Rush's words? LMFAO! Anyway, I never said there was a crisis, I cited Steve Bannon's one hour speech that said it 'could be' so are you saying Steve Bannon was yakking for an hour over the common cold? It's amusing how you change the words.

Anyway, I'm not saying I think he's right or wrong, I'm saying he's 'better be right.' I hope you are correct as I've lost a wad already in the meltdown of the last 2 days but have enough cash to go 3 more years without altering my lifestyle. And it's getting close to Daylight Savings, Dodger baseball and naked time in Palm Springs. ;)
You take Rush out of the context of a 3 hour show! It was obviously hyperbole meant to transmit the reality that it’s far closer to the common cold than the Black Death! You lose as usual! :p;)

As usual, Trump and Rush will be proven correct as they are the overwhelming majority of the time. The bottom line is that this is no more deadly than the normal seasonal flu. There is no crisis and will be no crisis here in the US because we have first class and timely medical care.
Chill out, Chicken Little. The sky isn’t falling in health terms.

Unfortunately this is not true. This virus is more than 20 times more deadly than the flu.

And it's killing young and healthy people - not just the elderly with pre-existing health problems.

Even Anthony Faucie admits that this virus is "unique." It's unlike any other coronaviruses in that is has likely been designed to be more contagious than usual. Senator Cotton may be correct. Israel has already announced that this virus is man made.

There's a story in the news about a northern California mother and daughter who recently returned from China and the CDC put them into "self quarantine." This is where they essentially stay home for 2 weeks. They were staying about 600 miles south of the epicenter of the outbreak in China, but there is no way to know if they were exposed while in China or not.

The woman's husband in Northern California is not under quarantine and he is free to come and go from their home. If he were to contract the virus from his wife of daughter, he could then begin spreading it through out the community.

The CDC evaluated this risk as "medium" and then went ahead and allowed this mother and daughter to return to their home and thus risk spreading the virus in California.

Why weren't these 2 kept in quarantine before returning home? Why for that matter are any citizens allowed to return to the USA before going through a quarantine process? It seems to me that the CDC is deliberately putting the entire population of the nation at risk here...almost as if they actually want the virus to spread!

Now we're being told that this virus will be seasonal like the flu...but it's 20 times more deadly than the flu...
Update: Public Health Response to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 ...
Will $rump listen?

Unfortunately this is not true. This virus is more than 20 times more deadly than the flu.

And it's killing young and healthy people - not just the elderly with pre-existing health problems.

Even Anthony Faucie admits that this virus is "unique." It's unlike any other coronaviruses in that is has likely been designed to be more contagious than usual. Senator Cotton may be correct. Israel has already announced that this virus is man made.
This is what the Chicoms do for the world IF you are correct. Young and healthy people here have nothing to be concerned about. There may be some merit to some of what you say. I’m still co dude that’s that I’m far closer to the truth and there is no solid proof that it’s deadlier than the common flu.

This is what the Chicoms do for the world IF you are correct. Young and healthy people here have nothing to be concerned about. There may be some merit to some of what you say. I’m still co dude that’s that I’m far closer to the truth and there is no solid proof that it’s deadlier than the common flu.

And no solid proof marijuana is deadlier than alcohol but you argue we don't need another problem? :)

This is what the Chicoms do for the world IF you are correct. Young and healthy people here have nothing to be concerned about. There may be some merit to some of what you say. I’m still co dude that’s that I’m far closer to the truth and there is no solid proof that it’s deadlier than the common flu.
Obviously you are not well read about who has died. Many young healthy people dead- remember the young doctors in China? Young, healthy and dead. So quit spreading faux news like the orange blob

And no solid proof marijuana is deadlier than alcohol but you argue we don't need another problem? :)
It takes a special kind of stupid to post what you did. We don’t have a choice with a disease. We do with marijuana and besides it’s not being deadly that’s the problem. The problem is permanent brain damage, sorta like what you exhibit! :rolleyes:

Obviously you are not well read about who has died. Many young healthy people dead- remember the young doctors in China? Young, healthy and dead. So quit spreading faux news like the orange blob
Obviously you’re the one who isn’t well read. 70% of Chinese men smoke and their healthcare is a joke. The combined ages of the last four victims in Italy was 316. That’s hardly young and healthy. This isn’t going to be significantly more deadly than the common flu in all likelihood. We’ve been through this before. With SARS - zero deaths in the US and with H1N1 big fizzle.
AIDS is commonly spread heterosexually in Africa, not so here. So what happens on one continent isn’t necessarily going to happen in another. Our hygiene and healthcare are far superior.
Nobody has a crystal ball, it pays to be prudent but there is NO reason to panic. After all of this if you say that I’m not well read that means you’re a lying fool.

Obviously you’re the one who isn’t well read. 70% of Chinese men smoke and their healthcare is a joke. The combined ages of the last four victims in Italy was 316. That’s hardly young and healthy. This isn’t going to be significantly more deadly than the common flu in all likelihood. We’ve been through this before. With SARS - zero deaths in the US and with H1N1 big fizzle.
AIDS is commonly spread heterosexually in Africa, not so here. So what happens on one continent isn’t necessarily going to happen in another. Our hygiene and healthcare are far superior.
Nobody has a crystal ball, it pays to be prudent but there is NO reason to panic. After all of this if you say that I’m not well read that means you’re a lying fool.

Notice you say, "in all likelihood' and (capitalized) 'NO reason to panic.' So my question to you is Why did Trump ask Congress on Monday to allocate $1.25 billion in new emergency funds to bolster its coronavirus response? The request from the White House also called for $1.25 billion in money diverted from other federal programs.The White House budget office also said it intended to move $535 million allocated for the prevention and treatment of the Ebola virus during the current fiscal year.

So if this isn't more serious than the common flu, why is he going thru all these gyrations? The term 'new emergency funds alone tends to suggest he thinks otherwise.