Is Steve W a Jackass by design or default?

You sound like a Turkey. Just saying...
If you had any idea what this plan could look like, you might be re-thinking this. Vince isn't setting us for long term success with this plan. He's trying to duplicate what he thought worked from his ortho days because that's all he knows. He has little understand about how our business works. The KAMs becoming CV Specialists is only the begining. If he has his way, there will be General/GYN specialists as well as Spine. The current structure will be gone and he'll move to a model where you keep your job if you make your number. While this may not sound so bad, keep in mind that he made such little effort to fix the backorders we had on Floseal and didn't make a peep about the 10ml debacle that we still have going on. Instead he bitched about why we weren't hitting our Floseal numbers and had the RMs sending in bullshit reports about our Floseal opportunities. He hasn't said one word about the backorders on all the applicators but complained about what he thinks is our inability to drive Perclot, all while not realizing how VACs work. His strategy is short term success to make him look good. It's not for for our benefit, just his. When he leaves, he'll tout what he thinks are his accomplishments while complaining that the salesforce couldn't meet his demands.
And while you may think you're an eagle today, it's only if you continue to kiss his ass and make your number. Miss on one or both, then it's goodbye turkey.

Vinnie has no idea how comp plans works, based off the modeling he will have massive turnover. Maybe that’s what he wants form us so he can capture some dollars to make our SG&A look good. Very short sited. The only turkey is Vinnie, he should be stuffed.

Obviously you have been on the RM call and sounds like you have knowledge of how the comp process works. Meg tried this shit once before and failed, that’s why we had 30% turnover year over year. Vincent the swag man don’t follow her lead be innovator not a follow a failed process. We all know you suck, but better than DR

I am new here and agree with Steve’s wooden personality. He is very shallow. Did he ever have an experience in the OR business? Sounds like a sham to me
Not trying to overly defend Steve but he's actually a very nice guy. He's not a sales guy so yes, he does come across as awkward but he's not a bad guy. And he's the complete opposite of Vince, who is overly salesy and cheesy.

Not trying to overly defend Steve but he's actually a very nice guy. He's not a sales guy so yes, he does come across as awkward but he's not a bad guy. And he's the complete opposite of Vince, who is overly salesy and cheesy.
We need leaders to run this business, nice guys should go home and sell lollies to downtown kids.

Not trying to overly defend Steve but he's actually a very nice guy. He's not a sales guy so yes, he does come across as awkward but he's not a bad guy. And he's the complete opposite of Vince, who is overly salesy and cheesy.
SW is a high school student who recently grew a mustache and was elected president for AS. I was hoping for an apology after the Floseal incident.

SW is a high school student who recently grew a mustache and was elected president for AS. I was hoping for an apology after the Floseal incident.
that's the biggest joke after a shitty meeting. Apology???? Are you serious? SW is an ass$&le. I went to him for a conversation on my Floseal challenges and he avoided me and my question.

Still hanging around, he devoured three VPs, three directors, and a whole crew of reps, all while trying to wrap his head around the intricacies of the business.
Our boy is just riding this out until Advanced Surgery is sold off. For better or worse, he's cut some much needed dead weight but should have done it a couple of years ago when it would have meant something. Now he's got a division hanging on by a thread. Like all the other ones, we have no R&D, have brought in another new new VP and have no answers to how we're compete. His only hope is to get us sold off to someone so he can take the buyout.

awkward surgery it should be rebranded… every time I see those products I’ve the feeling to go back in time… as soon as the boomers surgeons retire this won’t be used anymore… the world is full of non believers…