is Publicis Ocean Crestor team safe?


Is the contract Publicis team that sells crestor safe? Our, are we getting the ax too, only 3 months in to our new contract position? Any honest, (please), feedback wiould be appreciated.

I would say some of you all will be cut early. I don't know for sure but things do not look too good for AZ and they do not look good for Crestor, so one would think in certain areas, some Publicis reps will be let go.

That depends on how Crestor does in 2012. The advantage of having your team is we can cut your numbers at any time depending on our needs. So think of yourself as very expendable.

Publicis reps, good luck seriously. I am SURE if we are having lay offs some Publicis Crestor territories well let lay offs as well. I want to be positive, start looking now while you your last 8 months or so. For those who get let go, my prayers are with and your family.

Nothing is safe. I agree it all depends on things that are shaping up with AZ. But having some experience with AZ, when the going gets rough, the CSO reps get to go first.

The cso position is probably the safest in the company. If anything- AZ will adding CSO positions b/c they can hire and cut those jobs at will with little financial consequence.

Its the future of big pharma. Small sales force nucleus with large CSO support.

In typical circumstances, I would agree that contract are the first to go. But think about this folks. AZ knew exactly what they were doing here. They bring on 480 reps at 75 percent of the cost. No cars, less bonuses, and no need for severence if they let you go. But i think in this case, they thought ahead. OCEAN will be safe, and regular more expensive AZ will be severed. In reality, most of the OCEAN team are hungry previously downsized quality veteran reps that needed to support their families. They were hired in reather cheaply, and are a business fit for the soon to be let go AZ Crestor reps. Remeber this AZ folks, mist of the OCEAN team have been in your shoes and feel for you. Never easy. Best of luck with your searches.

In typical circumstances, I would agree that contract are the first to go. But think about this folks. AZ knew exactly what they were doing here. They bring on 480 reps at 75 percent of the cost. No cars, less bonuses, and no need for severence if they let you go. But i think in this case, they thought ahead. OCEAN will be safe, and regular more expensive AZ will be severed. In reality, most of the OCEAN team are hungry previously downsized quality veteran reps that needed to support their families. They were hired in reather cheaply, and are a business fit for the soon to be let go AZ Crestor reps. Remeber this AZ folks, mist of the OCEAN team have been in your shoes and feel for you. Never easy. Best of luck with your searches.

100% on the money. The future is Cornerstone and CSO's. I know because I was in on the planning from the beginning. Downsizings will continue guys. I'm sorry for all of you and me. You will be used and discarded as needs dictate. CSO's will become the main focus along with Cornerstone and their alternative marketing programs. Guys, take this post seriously and makes plans to leave the industry as soon as you can. I can't say a lot more for fear I will identify myself. In fact, i don't even work for AZ. AZ is headed into some VERY rough times, very rough.

No dickwad AZ reps. YOU are very expendable. CSO's are the wave of the future. Why should they pay you 100K to say Crestor, when they can pay a CSO 50K and get the same results.

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